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State Alliances

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Data Privacy Agreement

Agreement TypesDownload the standard agreement:

Agreement V5 (pdf)

MESPA V1 with Exhibit (pdf)

MESPA V1 (No Exhibit E) (pdf)

Wisconsin Student Data Privacy Agreement Template (with Exhibit) (pdf)

Wisconsin Student Data Privacy Agreement Template (without Exhibit) (pdf)

NH DPA V1 (With Exhibit) (pdf)

NH DPA V1 (With No Exhibit) (pdf)

NHSPA Staff PII Standard Agreement: No Exhibit (pdf)

NE DPA V1 (No Exhibit) (pdf)

NE DPA V1 (With Exhibit) (pdf)

RI DPA V1 (No Exhibit) (pdf)

RI DPA V1 (With Exhibit E) (pdf)

MT DPA V3 (No Exhibit) (pdf)
MT DPA V3 (With Exhibit) (pdf)
Virginia School Data Privacy Agreement v.1 (pdf)

CA-NDPA-V1 (With Exhibit) (pdf)
CA-NDPA-V1 (With No Exhibit) (pdf)
MA-NDPA-V1 with No Exhibit E (pdf)

MO-NDPA-V1 (With Exhibit) (pdf)
MO-NDPA-V1 (With No Exhibit) (pdf)
UT-NDPA-V1 (with Exhibit) (pdf)
UT-NDPA-V1 (with No Exhibit) (pdf)
OR-NDPA-V1 (With Exhibit) (pdf)
OR-NDPA-V1 (With No Exhibit) (pdf)
OH-NDPA-V1 (with Exhibit E) (pdf)
IL-NDPA-V1.0a (With No Exhibit) (pdf)
IL-NDPA-V1.0a (With Exhibit) (pdf)
VT-NDPA-V1 (with No Exhibit) (pdf)
VT-NDPA-V1 (with Exhibit) (pdf)
WA-NDPA-V1 (with Exhibit E) (pdf)
WA-NDPA-V1 (without Exhibit E) (pdf)
WA-NDPA-V1 (without Exhibit E) (pdf)
AZ-NDPA-V1 with Exhibit E (pdf)

AZ-NDPA-V1-No Exhibit (pdf)
OH-NDPA-V1 (with No Exhibit E) (pdf)
Virginia School Data Privacy Agreement v.1 (No Exhibit) (pdf)

AR-NDPA-V1 (With Exhibit) (pdf)
AR-NDPA-V1 (With No Exhibit) (pdf)
IA-DPA-Version1 (with Exhibit E) (pdf)
IA-DPA-Version1 (with No Exhibit E) (pdf)
FL-NDPA-V1 (With Exhibit E) (pdf)
FL-NDPA-V1 (With No Exhibit E) (pdf)
OK NDPA V1 (With Exhibit E) (pdf)
OK NDPA V1 (With No Exhibit E) (pdf)
TN-NDPA V1 (With Exhibit E) (pdf)
TN-NDPA V1 (With No Exhibit E) (pdf)
VA-NDPA-V1 (With Exhibit) (pdf)
VA-NDPA-V1 (With No Exhibit) (pdf)
MA-NDPA-V1 with Exhibit E (pdf)

Learn about Agreement Types >>


Family Name Description
Foreign Exchange Information Information about a foreign exchange student.

This may include:
  • foreign exchange status
  • funding source
Academic Record Individualized Career Plan Information Information related to a student's professional development career plan
Academic Record School Enrollment Information This information pertains to student enrollment at the school and may include the day they started and ended classes, which graduation cohort they are in, whether they have exited or transferred out of the school, or if they are part of a gifted/talented program.
Academic Record Guidance Counselor The name or contact information of the student's guidance counselor
Academic Record Homeroom The student's homeroom class or teacher
Academic Record Course Enrollment Information This information pertains to the courses the student is enrolled in and may include the school or district's name, course title, period, room number, teacher name, start and end dates, or course credits
Academic Record Academic Performance This includes any information related to how a student performs in academic classes and may include course letter grades or grade point average (GPA)
Academic Record Honors A designation of the type of academic distinctions earned by or awarded to the student
Academic Record Student Literacy An indicator of the student's literacy level, whether they are meeting goals, or if they are receiving special services
Academic Record Graduation/School Exit Information The student's graduation status, possibly including their graduation date. This could also include if they left the school for another reason, such as dropping out.
Academic Record Attendance and Mobility Information Information related to a student's attendance, including tardies and absences. Mobility refers to if the student has transferred schools more than once throughout the year.
Academic Record Career and Technical Education Participation Information related to a student's participation in a Career and Technical Education Program (CTE)
Academic Record Local, State, and National Assessment Performance and Results Results on any local, state, or national assessment, including RISE, DLM, DIBELS, ACT, AP, WIDA
Academic Record Standardized test scores Scores earned on a standardized test, such as RISE, ACT
Academic Record Honors / Awards / Recognitions Information related to any school-related award, honor, or other recognition a student has received.

May include information such as:
  • Name of the honor/award/recognition
  • Description
  • Date received
  • Reason/qualifications
Application Technology Metadata Web Browsing History A record of any or all of a student's browsing history.

This may include a comprehensive record of all websites the student visits, or a flagged indicator when a student visits a site that has been marked by the admin as of interest.

Elements may include:
  • URL the student visits or attempts to visit
  • Timestamp
  • IP address
Application Technology Metadata IP Addresses of users, use of cookies, etc. A persistent identifier used to track the student's device or activity over time
Application Use Statistics Metadata on user intactions with application Other descriptive, administrative, or statistical data related to the student's interaction with the application
Communications Online communications that are captured (emails, blog entries) Communications made by the student that are captured online in the application
Conduct Conduct or behavioral data Data related to the student's conduct or behavior while at the school
Contact Information Parent/Guardian Email The parent/guardian's email address
Contact Information Custodial Parent/Guardian information Information regarding the custody or guardianship status of a parent
Contact Information Parent Telephone Number/Contact Information Contact information for the parent, potentially including their name, address, phone number, and email address
Contact Information Parent/Guardian Address The parent/guardian's home address
Contact Information Parent/Guardian First and/or Last name The parent/guardian's first and/or last name
Contact Information Parent/Guardian ID number An ID number used to identify the student's parent/guardian
Contact Information Student phone number The student's phone number
Contact Information Student Home Address The student's home address
Contact Information Student Email Address The student's email address
Extracurricular Activities Student Activity Recognition/Honors Information related to any awards, honors, or other recognition a student has received as part of participating in an extracurricular activity
Extracurricular Activities Student Fee Information Information related to fees a student has paid to participate in school programs or if they are eligible for fee waivers
Extracurricular Activities Student Activity Participation Information related to a student's participation in an extracurricular activity
Student Identity Images of Student Images in which the student is identifiable. This may include posed photos (such as school pictures, class photos, club photos, etc.) or candid photos in which the student is identifiable.
Student Identity Student Sex/Gender The student's biological sex or gender
Student Identity Student Place of Birth The city, state, or country where the student was born
Student Identity Student Date of Birth The student's birth date
Student Identity Immigrant/ Refugee Information Information pertaining to an immigrant and/or refugee student.

May include information such as:
  • Immigrant Status
  • U.S. School Entry Date
  • Country of Origin
  • Refugee Status
  • Support Services Received
Student Identity Migrant Information Information pertaining to a migrant student.

May include information such as:
  • Migrant Status
  • Support Services Received
Student Identity Student Name The student's name
Student Identity English Learner Status A student is considered an English Learner if English is not their first language. These students may be offered English Learner services, which may be refused. Once a student tests out of needing services, they will enter a four-year monitoring period where they will be considered "fluent."
Student Identity Student app password A unique word or phrase used by the student to login
Student Identity Student Grade Level The student's grade level, K - 12
Student Identity Language information (native, preferred, or primary language spoken by student) The native, preferred, or primary language spoken by the student
Student Identity Immigrant/Refugee Status To be considered an immigrant, the following three conditions must be met: (1) student is 3 to 21 years old, (2) the student was not born in any US state, and (3) the student has not attended school in any state for more than 3 full academic years. Students are concerned refugees if the district or charter school is provided a 1-94 Arrival-Departure Record form, a 1-551 Permanent Resident Record, a 1-155 Permanent Resident record, or an Immigration Court Letter identifying the student as a refugee as the result of being in the US due to asylum.
Student Identity Migrant Status A migrant student is a student who enrolled during the year AND has a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) form on file in the LEA.
Student Identity Homelessness Status The student's homeless status. The following categories are available: (1) not homeless; (2) with another family member because of loss of housing or economic hardship; (3) in a motel or hotel; (4) in a shelter; (5) in a car, park, campground, or public place; (6) somewhere without adequate facilities, such as running water, heat, or electricity
Student Identity Economic Disadvantage Status Whether the student is considered economically disadvantaged. This is generally determined by whether they are eligible for free or reduced price school lunch, if they are enrolled in a Community Eligibility Provision Resource Center, or if the parent has voluntarily submited a Declaration of Household Income
Student Identity Parent Military Status Whether the child is a member of a military family as defined in Utah Code 53E-3-903, specifically, if they are the child of an active duty member of the uniformed services OR the parent is a member or veteran of the uniformed services who is severly injured and medically discharged
Student Identity Student Race/Ethnicity/Tribal Affiliation Race includes the following categories: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and White. Schools may also share if the student's ethnicity is Hispanic/Latino or their Native American tribal affiliation.
Student Identity Student app username A unique name chosen by the teacher or the student used to identify the student to login
Student Identity Vendor/App assigned student ID number An ID number issued by the vendor used to identify the student
Student Identity Student Identification Number An ID number either issued by the state, the school district, or the charter school used to identify the student
Student Identity Local (school district) ID number An ID number issued by the school district or the charter school used to identify the student
Student Identity State ID number An ID number issued by the state used to identify the student
Student In App Performance Program/application performance (typing program-student types 60 wpm, reading program-student reads below grade level) Performance data collection in the application (e.g., typing program counts that a student types 60 wpm, reading program calculates that a student reads below grade level)
Student Services Intergenerational Poverty Grant Participation If the student receives out-of-school education services as part of the Intergenerational Poverty Grant program (IGP)
Student Services Student Health Information Any health information collected on a student by a school, which may include immunizations, eye or hearing tests, allergy information
Student Services Student Disability/Special Education Information Information that includes if a student has a disability, if they have an individualized education program (IEP), or if they receive accommodations or any other services from the school
Student Services Title I Program Participation Information regarding students that participation in a program that receives Title I funds from the US Department of Education, intended to help schools that have a high percentage of students from low income families
Student Services Youth in Custody Program Information Information related to if the student is receiving in Youth in Care services from the Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS), the Department of Juvenile Justice Services (DJJS), or the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BOIA)
Student Services Student Incident/Discipline Information Information related to if the student was involved in an incident at school and if any discipline was administered
Student Work Student generated content; writing, pictures, etc. Student generated content; writing, pictures, etc.
Student Work Video or Voice Recordings of Student Voice recording: A recording a student makes of their voice.

Video recording: A video in which the student is shown and identifiable
Survey Responses Student responses to surveys or questionnaires Student responses to surveys or questionnaires
Transportation Student bus card ID number An ID number used to identify the student when riding the bus
Transportation Student pick up and/or drop off location Location where the student is picked up and/or dropped off by the school bus
Transportation Student bus assignment The bus number the student is assigned to take between home and school


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