Online Resources

Status Key

Approved: Contract is signed and resource is in use.
Approved w/ Guardian Release
: Guardians signed a contract to allow a resource to be used in a specific classroom with a specific group of students.
Not Approved: Vendor was unable to sign the contract and, therefore, teachers are not allowed to use the resource with students.
Renewal Pending: District has an active agreement that will expire soon and they are in the process to renew with the vendor.
Did Not Pursue: District determined that the resource does not align with educational goals, therefore, teachers are not allowed to use the resource with students.
  Resource Name Company Name Agreement Status Agreement Type Agreement Dates Grade Level Content Area Data Career Aptitude Test Career Aptitude Test Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Student can't create accounts

3D Bear's Logo 3D Bear 3D Bear Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Declined
5 Star Students
Privacy Policy
5 Star Students Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/20/2023 K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
5-A-Day Fitness 5-a-day Fitness LTD Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Unresponsive
Adapted Mind AdaptedMind Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Unresponsive
Adobe's Logo Adobe
Privacy Policy
Adobe Inc. Approved Vendor-Specific
9, 10, 11, 12
B.L.A.C., INC's Logo B.L.A.C., INC
Purpose: We provide mental health education and prevention services to young men and women within the D428 school district. We currently support the 5th to 12th-grade level. We also offer group and one on one mentoring support. We take our participants on field trips to show and allow them to witness different perspectives. This will enable them to grow and develop a sense of who they are and their societal role. We also tackle many topics that deeply impact our youth, such as teen dating violence, coping, depression, stress, and anxiety, to name a few. We currently work with faculty members for referrals and supportive services. We engage our young men and women with hands-on life-developing activities that will last them beyond our organization.
B.L.A.C Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/24/2023
Expires: 05/24/2026
Data List
Babbel language learning Babbel Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Unresponsive
Barb City STEAM Team
Purpose: he Barb City STEAM Team will engage robust collaborations across the DeKalb community to provide high-quality, research-based afterschool, summer school and mentoring through the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers program in partnership with DeKalb CUSD 428. Northern Illinois University alone brings a hearty continuum of resources available to the Barb City STEAM Team and advisory group but when combined with the Annie Glidden North Revitalization Group, DeKalb County Community Garden and their food networks, the DeKalb County Youth Services Providers Network, Northern Illinois Food Bank and the Kishwaukee College Upward Bound programs, success is guaranteed. The 21st Century Community Learning Center philosophy of partnering to focus on the success of our most-needy students and their families ensures immediate impact due to the investment of federal funds and local resources. NIU STEAM has the experience, expertise and staff to excel at the proposed programming concentrated on college and career readiness. Professional learning will be needed in social emotional learning and diversity, equity and inclusion, otherwise the research-based NIU STEAM Framework and the PaCE Framework will ensure that Clinton Rosette Middle School and Huntley Middle School participants and their families will leave the program with postsecondary plans, identified career pathways and networks of faculty and undergrads in content areas of the participants' interest and skill. The NIU Cultural Centers for Black, Latinx, LGBTQ+ and Asian students will provide NIU diverse mentors for connection, education and leadership in culturally relevant activities. Families will be able to access diversity, equity and inclusion experts on the NIU campus to assist with their lived experiences in DeKalb. The DeKalb community has a 7 year history of local donations and grants to provide Camp Power at no cost to participants in University Village within the Annie Glidden North Revitalization territory. The Barb City STEAM Team is supplementing that 10 week summer experience that is only available from lunch through the afternoon by focusing our programming in the morning. With the supplement of the Barb City STEAM Team, participants in University Village (our most needy) will have full day programming in the summer and extended programming for middle school and high school students during the school year. Our sustainability plan follows the Camp Power lead, and brings the resources of NIU state and federal grants along with the NIU Foundation to the project. Goal 1 - 85% of regular attendees will demonstrate improved academic success at school including grades, attendance, discipline and positive involvement. Goal 2- 85% of regular attendees will achieve college and career ready indicators as defined by the PaCE Framework for 8th-12th grade and/or the ESSA College and Career Readiness Indicator. Goal 3- 100% of staff and 85% of regular attendees' families will access learning opportunities with the Barb City STEAM Team or our community partners in alignment with participant and family needs. The Barb City STEAM Team expands the work of the community from Camp Power, mobilizes the resources of NIU, and utilizes the expertise of NIU STEAM to address the needs of our participants and families. Huskies never quit! They just need to be unleashed.
niu Approved Agreement
Approved: 06/13/2022
Expires: 06/13/2025
Data List
Privacy Policy
Biteable Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Unresponsive
Bitmoji's Logo Bitmoji
Privacy Policy
Snap Inc Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Declined
Blooket's Logo Blooket
Privacy Policy
Blooket LLC. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/12/2023
Expires: 12/11/2026
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Data List
Bloomz Premium's Logo Bloomz Premium
Privacy Policy
Bloomz, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/14/2021
Expires: 06/04/2027
Data List
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University's Logo Board of Trustees of Illinois State University
Privacy Policy
Illinois State University Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/11/2022
Expires: 10/11/2025
Data List
Boddle Math 's Logo Boddle Math Boddle Learning Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/03/2023
Expires: 02/03/2026
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Book Creator's Logo Book Creator
Privacy Policy
Tools for Schools Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/21/2024
Expires: 03/21/2027
Data List
Book It Program's Logo Book It Program
Purpose: Reading program
Pizza Hut, LLC Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor didn't sign a NDPA
Brainscape's Logo Brainscape Brainscape Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Declined to sign without a license
Breakout Edu's Logo Breakout Edu
Privacy Policy
Breakout Edu Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/22/2021 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, World Language, Career Technical Education, SPED
Brisk Teaching's Logo Brisk Teaching
Privacy Policy
Brisk Labs Corp. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/23/2023
Expires: 09/23/2026
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED
Calm's Logo Calm
Privacy Policy
Calm Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Declined
Purpose: NYAPs CANEI INtensive Outpatient Program provides community-based services to families whose youth have been involved with the juvenile justice or probation system. The program seeks to provide outpatient mental services and family counseling to and other canei wrap-around services to clients and families that have gone through the canei program, providing community-based and linkage services mentoring and care management to both the individual and the family.

Privacy Policy
National Youth Advocate Program Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/28/2022
Expires: 09/28/2025
Data List
Purpose: NYAPs CANEI INtensive Outpatient Program provides community-based services to families whose youth have been involved with the juvenile justice or probation system. The program seeks to provide outpatient mental services and family counseling to and other canei wrap-around services to clients and families that have gone through the canei program, providing community-based and linkage services mentoring and care management to both the individual and the family.

Privacy Policy
National Youth Advocate Program Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/28/2022
Expires: 09/28/2025
Data List
Canva for Education's Logo Canva for Education
Privacy Policy
Canva PTY LTD. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/13/2021
Expires: 06/15/2025
Data List
Card Integrator Corporation's Logo Card Integrator Corporation CI Solutions Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/26/2021
Expires: 07/01/2026
9, 10, 11, 12
Class Catalyst's Logo Class Catalyst Class Catalyst Approved Agreement
Approved: 06/11/2021 K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Data List
Code Academy's Logo Code Academy
Privacy Policy
Code Academy, Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Declined
CodeHS's Logo CodeHS
Privacy Policy
CodeHS, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 02/08/2024
Expires: 02/08/2027
9, 10, 11, 12 Computer Science Data List
College and Career Readiness Platform's Logo College and Career Readiness Platform
Privacy Policy
SchooLinks, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/20/2023
Expires: 07/20/2026
9, 10, 11, 12 Data List
College Board's Logo College Board CollegeBoard Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/21/2023
Expires: 08/21/2026
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED Data List
Conjuguemos's Logo Conjuguemos
Privacy Policy
Yegros Educational LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 08/31/2024
Expires: 06/15/2026
Data List
Construct's Logo Construct Scirra Ltd Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/13/2024
Expires: 03/13/2027
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Science, Computer Science Data List
Purpose: Boxing, Transporting, Scanning, Indexing/naming, Quality Control, Digital output of paper-based Student Records and Special Education records. Paper records and digital records will be destroyed by Datamation based on customer requirements and sign off. Digital Images and Index Data to be stored in Laserfiche Cloud Enterprise Content Management System. Access to the Laserfiche Cloud system is controlled by DeKalb District 428 authorized personnel.

Privacy Policy
Datamation Approved Agreement
Approved: 09/01/2022
Expires: 09/01/2025
Data List
Daybreak Daybreak Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/10/2024
Expires: 09/10/2027
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Deck.Toys's Logo Deck.Toys Deck.Toys Not Approved Declined
Delta Math's Logo Delta Math
Purpose: Practice problems for math class

Privacy Policy
Delta Math Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/26/2024 Data List
Diffit's Logo Diffit
Privacy Policy
Diffit, Inc Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/23/2023
Expires: 10/23/2026
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED
Duolingo's Logo Duolingo
Privacy Policy
Duolingo Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Declined
EasyBib (No Student Accounts)'s Logo EasyBib (No Student Accounts) Chegg, Inc. Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Students will not create accounts.

Privacy Policy
EBSCO Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/07/2021
Expires: 06/07/2025
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Library Media, Other Data List
Electude's Logo Electude
Privacy Policy
Electude USA Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/08/2023
Expires: 05/08/2026
Other Data List
Ellii (Formerly ESL Library)'s Logo Ellii (Formerly ESL Library) Red River Press Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/23/2022
Expires: 08/23/2025
Data List
eNotes eNotes Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Unresponsive
Figma for Education's Logo Figma for Education
Privacy Policy
Figma, Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Figma requires purchase for an agreement
First Student's Logo First Student
Privacy Policy
First Student, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/12/2024
Expires: 04/12/2027
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Data List
FirstActs's Logo FirstActs First Student, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/12/2024
Expires: 04/12/2027
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Data List
FlinnPREP's Logo FlinnPREP Flinn Scientific, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/22/2021 Data List
Flubaroo's Logo Flubaroo
Privacy Policy
Flubaroo Approved
Forecast5 Analytics's Logo Forecast5 Analytics Frontline Technologies Group LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/14/2024
Expires: 11/14/2027
Instructional Technology Data List
Genially's Logo Genially Genially Web SL. Not Approved Declined
Get Epic!'s Logo Get Epic! Epic Creations, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 05/26/2023 Data List
Gimkit's Logo Gimkit
Privacy Policy
Gimkit Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/24/2021
Expires: 06/30/2025
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Data List
Goodreads's Logo Goodreads
Privacy Policy
With the Following Restrictions: Vendor Declined Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Declined
Google's Logo Google
Privacy Policy
Google Approved Agreement
Approved: 01/26/2022 JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Grammarly's Logo Grammarly
Purpose: Used to help students find grammatical errors in writing assignments to create best writing practices.

Privacy Policy
Grammarly Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/08/2024
Expires: 04/08/2027
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED Data List
Handle With Care
Purpose: Our SmartServices Alerts technology can help connect the dots for early identification and intervention for youth and families.

Privacy Policy
Lifting Up LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/18/2022
Expires: 02/18/2025
Data List
Happy Numbers's Logo Happy Numbers
Privacy Policy
Happy Number Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/24/2022
Expires: 08/24/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Math Data List
HelpKidzLearn's Logo HelpKidzLearn
Privacy Policy
Inclusive Technology Ltd Approved
High School Esports League's Logo High School Esports League
Purpose: The HSEL brings seamless, easy, and rewarding esports competition to your school. We educate high schools about the fundamental ingredients to a program’s success. We aim to ensure your club is maximizing its potential and reaching every student possible.
High School Esports League Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/02/2022
Expires: 09/02/2025
Data List
Privacy Policy
Agile Sports Technologies, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/26/2024
Expires: 04/26/2027
9, 10, 11, 12 Physical Education, Other Data List
Kahoot!'s Logo Kahoot!
Privacy Policy
Kahoot! Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/17/2021
Expires: 08/01/2025
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 English Language Arts, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Social Science
Khan Academy's Logo Khan Academy
Purpose: Students can use this app to practice independent work

Privacy Policy
Khan Academy Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/28/2024
Expires: 05/27/2025
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Data List
Lalilo's Logo Lalilo
Purpose: We have an EYS (Extended Year Service) and Comprehensive Program (supports students with LD) and are looking to expand our distance learning instructional bank of reading strategies, approaches, etc. that support specialized reading programs for our students with high needs.

Privacy Policy
Renaissance Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/25/2023
Expires: 12/31/2040
Data List
Laserfiche's Logo Laserfiche
Purpose: Provision of Cloud Data Storage Services for DeKalb Records.
ECS Imaging, Inc Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/26/2022
Expires: 10/26/2025
Data List
LearnPlatform's Logo LearnPlatform LearnPlatform, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 10/11/2022
Expires: 10/11/2025
9, 10, 11, 12 Other Data List
Legends of Learning's Logo Legends of Learning
Privacy Policy
Legends of Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/29/2024 Data List
Lingco's Logo Lingco
Purpose: Lingco is an adaptive language learning platform for schools. It also serves as the host for all national language exams.
Lingco Approved
With the Following Restrictions: IL-NDPA-V1.0a (With Exhibit), no changes
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/02/2023
Expires: 03/02/2026
Data List
LitCharts's Logo LitCharts LitCharts Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Thanks for reaching out. We have been advised that we are unable to sign SOPPA agreements pending legal review, which means we cannot offer subscriptions to Illinois schools or districts at this time.
Loom's Logo Loom
Privacy Policy
Loom, Inc. Not Approved Declined
Lucid Chart/Marq (Free Version)'s Logo Lucid Chart/Marq (Free Version)
Privacy Policy
Lucid Software Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Declined
Lumen Learning Lumen Learning Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Unresponsive
Lumin PDF
Purpose: Online document annotation
Nitrolabs Limited Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/09/2024
Expires: 04/09/2027
Data List's Logo
Privacy Policy Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/18/2023
Expires: 09/18/2026
MathFactLab's Logo MathFactLab
Privacy Policy
Oakledge Mathematics Consulting Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/07/2023
Expires: 09/07/2026
1,2,3,4,5 Math Data List
McGraw Hill Education's Logo McGraw Hill Education
Privacy Policy
McGraw Hill Education Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/22/2021 Data List
Milanote Milanote Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: vendor declined
Mr. Nussbaum Mr. Nussbaum Approved
Mystery Science's Logo Mystery Science
Privacy Policy
Discovery Education Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/03/2021
Expires: 06/15/2025
Data List
National Future Farmers of America
Purpose:, a youth organization preparing members for leadership and careers in the science, business and technology of agriculture. Subcontractors used:
Seacoast School of Technology Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/29/2024
Expires: 04/29/2027
Data List
Next Gen Personal Finance Next Gen Personal Finance Approved
9, 10, 11, 12
Night Zookeeper's Logo Night Zookeeper
Purpose: Night Zookeeper is an online writing platform designed to inspire Elementary School pupils to produce their best writing. Through gamification and competition, students are encouraged to practice their grammar, spelling and composition skills. The platform also offers teachers the ability to send lessons to students using the interactive lesson library, which can be completed either at school or at home. Night Zookeeper is the perfect way to kick-start writing at your school!

Privacy Policy
Wonky Star Ltd Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/02/2024
Expires: 04/02/2027
Data List
NoRedInk's Logo NoRedInk
Privacy Policy
NoRedInk Corp. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/10/2024
Expires: 05/10/2027
Data List
Off2Class (Paid)
Purpose: It is an EL resource to use with my students. There is a placement test and online activities for listening, reading, speaking, and writing.
Global Online Language Services Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/04/2022
Expires: 05/04/2025
Data List
Padlet's Logo Padlet
Privacy Policy
WallWisher, Inc. dba Padlet Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/13/2021 Data List
Paper Reading (formerly Readlee)'s Logo Paper Reading (formerly Readlee) Paper Education Company Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/10/2022
Expires: 03/10/2026
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Data List
PBS Kids's Logo PBS Kids
Privacy Policy
PBS Learning Media Approved
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
PDF Mergy Extension W69B Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor declined to sign unless we paid.
Peergrade's Logo Peergrade Peergrade Approved
9, 10, 11, 12 Science
Photopea PhotoPea Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Students can't create accounts.

PlayVS's Logo PlayVS
Purpose: PlayVS provides the infrastructure and platform for amateur esports, starting with high schools. We partner directly with game publishers and states to build and operate sanctioned leagues across the country. Through partnership with the National Federation of State High School Associations (specifically, the NFHS Network), PlayVS empowers students to compete in esports on behalf of their high school, with the opportunity to win a championship, just like any other youth sport.

Privacy Policy
PlayVS Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/31/2022
Expires: 08/31/2025
Data List
PocketLab's Logo PocketLab
Purpose: PocketLab Notebook is a software application that allows users to connect their PocketLab sensor and visualize sensor data for science experiments. Users can connect PocketLab sensors with or without PocketLab Notebook accounts. Teachers can create PocketLab Notebook teacher accounts and create PocketLab Notebook student accounts for their students. With PocketLab Notebook accounts,teachers can create lessons or use pre-made lessons from a library of lessons and assign them to students. Teachers can monitor the progress of their students on the lessons and provide feedback to the students. Overview of Account Types Teacher Accounts: Only persons over the age of 18 can create a teacher account. You can learn more about teacher accounts in our privacy policy. Student Accounts: Users who are under the age of 13 need consent from their parents/guardians to have a student account. Users can always connect a PocketLab and collect PocketLab sensor data without an account if they wish to do so. Student accounts are created by the Teacher account either manually or through an integration with Google Classroom or ClassLink. You can read more about these types of accounts in our privacy policy.
Pocketlab Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/09/2024 Data List
PocketLab G-Force
Privacy Policy
Pocketlab Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/09/2024 Data List
PocketLab Voyager Notebook
Privacy Policy
Pocketlab Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/09/2024 Data List
postermywall's Logo postermywall
Privacy Policy
250 Mils LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/30/2021
Expires: 07/30/2027
Data List
PowToon's Logo PowToon PowToon Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Unresponsive
Prezi's Logo Prezi
Privacy Policy
Prezi Not Approved Declined
Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg Approved
ProjectSearch's Logo ProjectSearch
Privacy Policy
ProjectSearch Approved Agreement
Approved: 07/07/2022
Expires: 07/07/2025
9, 10, 11, 12
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (No Student Accounts)'s Logo Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (No Student Accounts) Purdue University Approved
QR code generator Egoditor UG Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Declined
Quizlet's Logo Quizlet
Privacy Policy
Quizlet Inc. Not Approved Declined
Read&Write for Google's Logo Read&Write for Google
Privacy Policy
Texthelp Ltd. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/25/2021
Expires: 07/01/2026
Data List
ReadWorks's Logo ReadWorks
Privacy Policy
ReadWorks, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 03/22/2023
Expires: 03/22/2026
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 English Language Arts Data List
Remind 's Logo Remind
Privacy Policy
Remind Approved Agreement
Approved: 03/31/2022
Expires: 03/31/2025
Data List
Ripple Effects's Logo Ripple Effects Ripple Effects Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/31/2024 PK, K, 1, 2
Rising Software Rising Software Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/23/2024
Expires: 12/23/2028
9, 10, 11, 12 Data List
rollthedice (No Student Accounts) Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Students will not create accounts

Rozlin Financial Group, Inc.
Purpose: Debt Collection Agency Services
rozlin Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/06/2022
Expires: 04/06/2025
Data List
Safe Passage
Purpose: Provide counseling services.
Safe Passage Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/15/2023
Expires: 11/15/2026
Data List
Science Buddies's Logo Science Buddies
Privacy Policy
Science Buddies Not Approved Declined
Scratch's Logo Scratch
Privacy Policy
Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Declined.
Screencastify's Logo Screencastify
Privacy Policy
Screencastify, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/26/2021 Data List
Skill Struck's Logo Skill Struck
Purpose: Skill Struck Platform: Voyage, Launch Pad, and Flight Training – These three applications combine to provide a fully-aligned K-12 computer science curriculum, complete with a digital textbook, coding text editor, activities and student evaluation methods, such as exams. Type Station – This is a typing learning platform, which contains curriculum, practice activities and methods of student evaluation. Chat for Schools – This is an AI chatbot sandbox and curriculum which students can learn about and how to use AI in a safe, secure environment. The AI chatbot does not share any student inputs to the chatbot, or any outputs with the larger language model, meaning that it is not possible to be made publicly available. Educator Portal and Community Plus – These platforms are for teachers to use to keep track of student progress, access lessons and other materials and resources.
Skill Struck Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/14/2023
Expires: 09/14/2026
Data List
Smart Illinois University of Illinois Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/09/2024
Expires: 04/09/2027
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Data List
Smile and Learn
Privacy Policy
Smile & Learn Digital Creations, S.L Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/02/2024
Expires: 04/02/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 English Language Arts Data List
Snap! Raise's Logo Snap! Raise
Privacy Policy
SNAP Mobile Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/10/2023
Expires: 04/10/2026
9, 10, 11, 12 Data List (No Student Accounts)'s Logo (No Student Accounts) Curiosity Media, Inc. Approved
SPARKvue (No Student Accounts)'s Logo SPARKvue (No Student Accounts) Pasco Approved
9, 10, 11, 12 Science
SplashLearn's Logo SplashLearn
Privacy Policy
StudyPad, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 03/21/2024
Expires: 03/21/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Data List
Stock Market Game's Logo Stock Market Game
Privacy Policy
SIFMA Foundation Approved
StoryJumper's Logo StoryJumper
Privacy Policy
StoryJumper, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/20/2022
Expires: 08/20/2025
Data List
Study (No Student Accounts)'s Logo Study (No Student Accounts) Study Languages, LLC. Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Students will not create user accounts

Swivl's Logo Swivl
Privacy Policy
Swivl Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/26/2024
Expires: 01/26/2027
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED Data List
TalkingPoints's Logo TalkingPoints
Privacy Policy
TalkingPoints Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/28/2023
Expires: 08/28/2026
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Other Data List
Teach Your Monster to Read's Logo Teach Your Monster to Read
Privacy Policy
Teach Monster Games Ltd. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/28/2021 K, 1 English Language Arts Data List
Ted-Ed (No Student Accounts) TED Conferences, LLC Approved
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Teen Reach's Logo Teen Reach
Purpose: Teen Reach is an afterschool program that gives students a safe, fun interactive place to hang out every day. Focusing on games and activities, field trips in the community, local and public service projects, homework time and tutoring help, and STEM projects and activities. Physical and recreational activities and academic achievement. Supervision provided by educators, mentors, students, and community leaders.

Privacy Policy
National Youth Advocate Program Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/28/2022
Expires: 09/28/2025
Data List
The Common Application The Common Application, Inc Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Unresponsive
ThinkCERCA ThinkCERCA Approved Agreement
Approved: 08/24/2023
Expires: 08/23/2026
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Data List
ThoughtCo ThoughtCo Not Approved Declined
TRIO Upward Bound's Logo TRIO Upward Bound
Purpose: Upward Bound provides fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college entrance. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in their precollege performance and ultimately in their higher education pursuits. Upward Bound serves: high school students from low-income families; and high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor's degree. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education.

Privacy Policy
TRIO Upward Bound Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/31/2022
Expires: 08/31/2025
Data List's Logo
Privacy Policy Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/08/2021
Expires: 06/15/2025
5, 6, 7, 8 English Language Arts, Other Data List
TypingClub (Free Edition)'s Logo TypingClub (Free Edition)
Privacy Policy
EdClub, Inc. Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Students cannot create accounts.

Ultimate Drill Book 's Logo Ultimate Drill Book Ultimate Drill Book Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/20/2021 9, 10, 11 Visual Performing Arts Data List
Uncharted Learning's Logo Uncharted Learning
Purpose: Entrepreneurship education that fosters critical thinking, creative problem-solving, and innovation. We provide schools with comprehensive curriculum, teacher training, and support services.
Uncharted Learning, NFP Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/24/2024
Expires: 10/24/2028
Data List
Unique Learning System's Logo Unique Learning System
Privacy Policy
n2y, LLC. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/30/2023 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED Data List
Varsity Tutors for Schools's Logo Varsity Tutors for Schools
Privacy Policy
Varsity Tutors Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/21/2023
Expires: 12/21/2026
9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED Data List
Vimeo's Logo Vimeo Vimeo Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Declined
Declined (Educators Edition)'s Logo (Educators Edition) Thinkmap, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/27/2023
Expires: 01/27/2026
Privacy Policy
VOCFIT Approved
NewVolt Athletics Volt Athletics Approved Agreement
Approved: 02/06/2025
Expires: 02/06/2028
Washington Post Washington Post Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Student's cannot create accounts.

Writable (Ed)'s Logo Writable (Ed)
Privacy Policy
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/19/2024
Expires: 04/19/2027
XtraMath Basic (free)'s Logo XtraMath Basic (free)
Purpose: Students practice math fact fluency

Privacy Policy
XtraMath Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Declined