Lexington Public Schools Online Resources

Below is a list of digital resources that have been vetted for both educational alignment and student data privacy protections. Both "Approved" and "Not Approved" resources are listed. The information listed includes; Resource Name and Purpose, Company, Status, Grade Level and Content Area the resource is used, and a link to the contract/agreement addressing the required student data privacy terms.

Additional information about Student Data Privacy in Lexington Public Schools can be found at https://sites.google.com/lexingtonma.org/lps-technology-department/digital-citizenship-and-student-safety?authuser=0#h.mq5ni7yrr0om.

Status Key

Approved: Contract is signed and resource is in use.
Approved w/ Guardian Release
: Guardians signed a contract to allow a resource to be used in a specific classroom with a specific group of students.
Not Approved: Vendor was unable to sign the contract and, therefore, teachers are not allowed to use the resource with students.
Renewal Pending: District has an active agreement that will expire soon and they are in the process to renew with the vendor.
Did Not Pursue: District determined that the resource does not align with educational goals, therefore, teachers are not allowed to use the resource with students.
  Resource Name Company Name Agreement Status Agreement Type Agreement Dates Grade Level Content Area Data
360 Thinking Executive Function Program Products Cognitive Connections LLP Approved Agreement
Approved: 03/08/2024
Expires: 03/08/2027
AAC Evaluation Genie's Logo AAC Evaluation Genie
Privacy Policy
Hump Software Approved Agreement
Approved: 08/19/2024
Expires: 08/19/2027
AAC Language Lab Prentke Romich Company DBA PRC-Saltillo Approved
Approved: 11/24/2020 K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
ABAS 3 Western Psychological Services Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/26/2022
Expires: 08/26/2025
K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Other Data List
ABC Mouse's Logo ABC Mouse Age of Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/20/2022
Expires: 09/20/2025
K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Other Data List
ABCya's Logo ABCya IXL Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/09/2024
Expires: 07/09/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Science Data List
ACE ABA Software System The New England Center for Children Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/29/2023
Expires: 11/29/2026
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 SPED Data List
Adblock Plus's Logo Adblock Plus
Privacy Policy
Eyeo GmbH Not Approved Declined
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
ADIÓSTextbook Creative Language Class Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Used only by teachers. No student PII collected and not used by students.

6, 7, 8 World Language
Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education (formerly Adobe Spark for Education)'s Logo Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education (formerly Adobe Spark for Education)
Privacy Policy
Adobe Inc.
With the Following Restrictions: Approved for Secondary Art classes as part of Adobe Package with District Issued Login. Not Approved
In Use/No Agreement
AHUB Attainment Company, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/22/2024
Expires: 08/22/2027
AI-Learners's Logo AI-Learners
Privacy Policy
AI-Learners, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/02/2024
Expires: 02/02/2027
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Math
AKJ Education's Logo AKJ Education
Purpose: ELL History instruction, grade 11 @ Lexington High School
AKJ Education Not Approved Declined
11 Social Science
Along's Logo Along
Privacy Policy
Gradient Learning Not Approved Declined
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
AMC Anywhere's Logo AMC Anywhere Didax, Incorporated Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/15/2022
Expires: 02/15/2025
Amplified Labs: Little SIS, Gopher, Gator, Event-o-Matic, Local Hero, Centipede's Logo Amplified Labs: Little SIS, Gopher, Gator, Event-o-Matic, Local Hero, Centipede
Privacy Policy
Amplified IT, LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 05/06/2022
Expires: 05/06/2025
Data List
AnalyticVue AnalyticVue Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/16/2022
Expires: 06/16/2025
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Privacy Policy
solocode GmbH
With the Following DPA Restrictions: With the Following DPA Restrictions: This DPA covers the paid (school license) program only. The free version of Anton is not covered. Not Approved
6 English Language Arts
Purpose: The Adapted Physical Education Assessment Scale (APEAS II) is an assessment education tool.
Shape America Approved Agreement
Approved: 09/14/2018 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Physical Education
Apple Pro Apps Bundle Apple, Inc. Approved
Approved: 08/30/2020
Expires: 08/30/2020
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Visual Performing Arts
Arcademics's Logo Arcademics
Purpose: Math fact practice

Privacy Policy
Arcademics Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/10/2022
Expires: 03/10/2025
4 Math Data List
ArcGIS Explorer's Logo ArcGIS Explorer ESRI Approved
9, 10, 11, 12 Science
ArcGIS Online's Logo ArcGIS Online
Privacy Policy
ESRI Approved
With the Following Restrictions: "Approved with following conditions, only use with anonymized student accounts - contact Joshua King

9, 10, 11, 12 Science
Arduino Create's Logo Arduino Create
Privacy Policy
Arduino Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/20/2022
Expires: 05/20/2025
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts Data List
Artsonia's Logo Artsonia
Privacy Policy
Artsonia Approved
With the Following Restrictions: District agrees to correctly tag all artwork as to whether or not it contains student personally identifiable information before it is provided to Artsonia.
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/14/2023
Expires: 03/14/2026
Data List
ASPEN Student Information System's Logo ASPEN Student Information System
Purpose: Student Information System
Follett School Solutions, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/01/2024
Expires: 04/01/2027
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
AssistiveWare AssistiveWare B.V. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/27/2022
Expires: 04/27/2025
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 SPED
ASSISTments's Logo ASSISTments
Privacy Policy
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/17/2022
Expires: 08/17/2025
Data List
Attainment Company Attainment Company, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/22/2024
Expires: 08/22/2027
Data List
Audio/Video Playback Speed Controller Audio/Video Playback Speed Controller Approved
9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Library Media
Auralia Cloud's Logo Auralia Cloud
Purpose: The world's most powerful ear training & music theory software. Auralia and Musition have been designed specifically to save teachers time and improve student results. Automated testing, assessment, reporting and in-depth teacher materials are all included - Auralia and Musition are a complete music education software solution.
Rising Software Australia Pty LTD Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/02/2022
Expires: 06/02/2025
9,10,11,12 Visual Performing Arts Data List
Auto Proctor Socratease Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No Contact Info
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, World Language, Computer Science
AutoDesk Fusion 360's Logo AutoDesk Fusion 360 Autodesk, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/26/2024
Expires: 02/26/2027
9, 10, 11, 12 Educational Technology, Math, Science, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Avant Assessment's Logo Avant Assessment
Purpose: World language assessments

Privacy Policy
Avant Assessment LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 08/15/2022
Expires: 08/15/2025
Avaz AAC
Purpose: Avaz AAC is an augmentative and alternative communication app that empowers children & adults having speech-related disabilities with a voice of their own. A fully-featured speech app that also includes a training module for new AAC users & caregivers. The research-based pragmatic vocabulary consists of over 15,000 pictures (Symbolstix) with a variety of high-quality voices that a communicator regardless of their ability can tap to form sentences quickly. With a wide range of personalization & customization options, you can make Avaz AAC your own in just a matter of minutes.

Privacy Policy
Avaz, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/23/2023
Expires: 08/23/2026
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 SPED Data List
Awesome Table
Privacy Policy
Script Examples
With the Following Restrictions: Awesome Table will not sign DPA. This software should only be used by adults - NO student use. Not Approved
Baamboozle's Logo Baamboozle
Privacy Policy
Baamboozle.com Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/05/2024
Expires: 02/05/2027
BandLab 's Logo BandLab
Privacy Policy
BandLab Technologies Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: BandLab refused to sign the DPA.
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
BBDS Design BBDS Design Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor refused to sign the DPA.

K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Bebras Computing Challenge
Privacy Policy
USA Bebras Computing Challenge Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Approved for use; no data collected from students.

9, 10, 11, 12 Computer Science
Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers's Logo Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishing Group, LLC Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No student data collected.

Approved: 09/05/2022
Expires: 09/05/2023
12 Social Science
Bee-Bot's Logo Bee-Bot TTS Group Approved
Approved: 10/29/2021 PK, K Computer Science
BeeLine Reader BeeLine Reader Approved
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Big Brown Bear
Purpose: OT Typing

Privacy Policy
Big Brown Bear Approved
6, 7, 8 SPED
Bionic Reading Bionic Reading Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor refused to sign DPA.
6, 7, 8 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Bitly's Logo Bitly Bitly, Inc.
With the Following Restrictions: Only to be used by staff.
With the Following DPA Restrictions: Vendor Response: Unfortunately, we're unable to sign the Massachusetts Student Data Privacy Agreement at this time. We really appreciate the reach out and wish you continued success with the education consortium. Not Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
BitPaper's Logo BitPaper BitPaper Ltd. Approved Agreement
Approved: 08/22/2023
Expires: 08/22/2026
Blackboard Products
Privacy Policy
Blackboard, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/08/2018
Expires: 11/08/2026
PK,K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Other Data List
Blender's Logo Blender The Blender Foundation Approved
10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Blocksite Blocksite Approved
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Blooket's Logo Blooket
Privacy Policy
Blooket LLC. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/18/2023
Expires: 08/18/2026
6, 7, 8 World Language
Bloomsbury / ABC-CLIO's Logo Bloomsbury / ABC-CLIO
Privacy Policy
Bloomsbury / ABC-CLIO Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/05/2024
Expires: 09/05/2027
Data List
Boardmaker 7's Logo Boardmaker 7
Privacy Policy
Tobii Dynavox LLC Approved
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Boardmaker Online's Logo Boardmaker Online
Privacy Policy
Tobii Dynavox LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/19/2024
Expires: 01/19/2027
Data List
Boost Reading's Logo Boost Reading
Privacy Policy
Amplify Education, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/23/2024
Expires: 08/23/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts Data List
BrainPOP's Logo BrainPOP
Privacy Policy
BrainPOP LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/16/2024
Expires: 10/16/2027
Data List
BrainPop ELL's Logo BrainPop ELL
Privacy Policy
BrainPOP LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/16/2024
Expires: 10/16/2027
Data List
BrainPOP Jr.'s Logo BrainPOP Jr.
Privacy Policy
BrainPOP LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/16/2024
Expires: 10/16/2027
Data List
Branching Minds's Logo Branching Minds Branching Minds, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/01/2022
Expires: 04/01/2025
JK,PK,K,1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12 English Language Arts,Health,Educational Technology,Library Media,Math,Science,Physical Education,Visual Performing Arts,Social Science,Other,World Language,Computer Science,Career Technical Education Data List
Brisk Teaching's Logo Brisk Teaching
Privacy Policy
Brisk Labs Corp. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/23/2023
Expires: 09/23/2026
9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Educational Technology, Science, Social Science, World Language, Computer Science
Britannica Digital Learning's Logo Britannica Digital Learning Britannica Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/25/2022
Expires: 08/25/2025
Data List
Brush Ninja's Logo Brush Ninja
Privacy Policy
Binary Moon Approved
With the Following Restrictions: With the Following LEA-Specific Restrictions: No data is collected for free use of the site. The premium membership collects limited data. This is not necessary for student use. Teachers should not add student rosters or lists if they pay for a premium membership.

K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Educational Technology, Computer Science
BRYT Portal
Purpose: This portal is a resource available to BRYT programs in schools across the state of Massachusetts. To learn more about BRYT: https://www.brooklinecenter.org/services/school-based-support/bryt-program/
BRYT Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/28/2022
Expires: 06/28/2025
9, 10, 11, 12 Other
BuzzMath's Logo BuzzMath Scolab Corp Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/02/2022
Expires: 08/02/2025
Data List
Canva for Education's Logo Canva for Education
Privacy Policy
Canva PTY LTD. Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: Only SSO enabled accounts are covered under this DPA.
Approved: 01/14/2024
Expires: 01/14/2027
Caret Thomas Wilburn Approved
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Instructional Technology, Math, Science, Computer Science
Casual App Coatue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: CasualApp will not sign the DPA for their free product.
12 Science, Other
Celtx's Logo Celtx
Privacy Policy
Celtx Inc.
With the Following Restrictions: Declined Reasoning: As a "Canadian Registered Company" they have no legal reason to abide by US laws and after reaching out to them they have no interest in learning about US requirements. Steve 2/1/2017 Location: CRLS Cost: $Free, Paid Not Approved

9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, World Language
Cengage Online Learning Platforms, eTextbooks and Digital Tools's Logo Cengage Online Learning Platforms, eTextbooks and Digital Tools Cengage Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/31/2023
Expires: 08/31/2026
9, 10, 11, 12 Math Data List
CGN School
Privacy Policy
College Guidance Network Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/02/2023
Expires: 02/02/2026
9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Chat Editor's Logo Chat Editor PRC-Saltillo Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/18/2022
Expires: 05/18/2025
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 SPED
ChessKid's Logo ChessKid
Privacy Policy
Chess.com Approved Agreement
Approved: 11/12/2024
Expires: 11/12/2027
6, 7, 8 Other
Choiceworks's Logo Choiceworks Bee Visual, LLC Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
ChooseIt Maker
Privacy Policy
Inclusive Technology Ltd Approved
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Science, World Language
Choosi Mobile App's Logo Choosi Mobile App
Purpose: Choosi is a consumer-facing application to increase participation and engage parents and kids with their school cafeteria. By fully integrating with a school’s menu planning and point of sale data systems, Choosi provides a powerful, yet easy to implement marketing platform designed to help schools meet their goals of delivering healthy meals to kids.
Kids Choose Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 10/09/2018 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 Health, Other Data List
Choral Tracks's Logo Choral Tracks Choral Tracks LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/04/2024
Expires: 04/04/2027
Chrome Music Lab's Logo Chrome Music Lab
Privacy Policy
Google Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Chrome Music Lab links to Google's general privacy policy and is NOT approved for use. Only G Suite for Education core services are approved.
6, 7, 8 Visual Performing Arts
ChromeMP3 Recorder's Logo ChromeMP3 Recorder
Privacy Policy
HablaCloud Approved
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Class Companion's Logo Class Companion
Privacy Policy
Class Companion, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/25/2023
Expires: 09/25/2026
6, 7, 8 Educational Technology
ClassDojo's Logo ClassDojo
Privacy Policy
ClassDojo, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/26/2020 K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Classkick's Logo Classkick
Purpose: students work together in groups and teacher can view the groups simultaneously and add feedback in real time. Students can receive help from the teacher and other students that are in different groups. Teacher can edit information so that all students/groups see changes immediately.

Privacy Policy
Classwork Co. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/10/2024
Expires: 02/10/2027
Clever's Logo Clever
Privacy Policy
Clever Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/27/2022
Expires: 04/27/2025
PK,K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Other Data List
Clicker Apps's Logo Clicker Apps
Privacy Policy
Crick Software, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/30/2024
Expires: 04/30/2027
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
CLOZEit Syed Khairi Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: CLOZEit is to be used as is. All information have been provided in the Privacy Policy section including the Terms of Service.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Co:Writer's Logo Co:Writer
Privacy Policy
Texthelp Ltd. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/17/2023
Expires: 11/17/2026
Data List
Code.org's Logo Code.org
Privacy Policy
Code.org Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/06/2023
Expires: 07/06/2026
6,8 Computer Science Data List
CodeHS's Logo CodeHS
Purpose: Make CodeHS available to our comp sci classes

Privacy Policy
CodeHS, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/08/2022
Expires: 02/08/2025
9, 10, 11, 12 Computer Science
College Board's AP Classroom's Logo College Board's AP Classroom
Privacy Policy
CollegeBoard Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/29/2023
Expires: 08/29/2026
9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Science, Other, World Language Data List
Committee For Children Second Step's Logo Committee For Children Second Step Committee For Children Approved
With the Following Restrictions: With the Following LEA-Specific Restrictions: For Staff Use Only. Transfer No Student PII. Committee for Children’s digital Second Step programs are designed for educators to deliver social-emotional learning curricula in a classroom setting, including teacher-facilitated lessons that are delivered using an online teacher portal. Second Step programs do not collect, receive, or process student data.
With the Following DPA Restrictions: With the Following LEA-Specific Restrictions: For Staff Use Only. Transfer No Student PII. Committee for Children’s digital Second Step programs are designed for educators to deliver social-emotional learning curricula in a classroom setting, including teacher-facilitated lessons that are delivered using an online teacher portal. Second Step programs do not collect, receive, or process student data.

K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Other
Common Sense Media's Logo Common Sense Media
Privacy Policy
Common Sense Media Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/18/2022
Expires: 07/18/2025
6, 7, 8 Educational Technology, Other
CommonLit's Logo CommonLit
Privacy Policy
CommonLit Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/18/2023
Expires: 09/18/2026
Data List
Communication Matrix The Communication Matrix Foundation Not Approved Declined
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Communicator 5's Logo Communicator 5
Privacy Policy
Tobii Dynavox LLC Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Vendor states that they do not collect any PII.

PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 SPED
Conjuguemos's Logo Conjuguemos
Purpose: World Language classes at WMS

Privacy Policy
Yegros Educational LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/29/2024
Expires: 04/29/2027
6, 7, 8 World Language Data List
Conversation Builder's Logo Conversation Builder Mobile Education Store Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Only used by staff; not used by students. No student data/PII collected.

K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Other
Cool Math Games's Logo Cool Math Games
Privacy Policy
CoolMath, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 02/05/2024
Expires: 02/05/2027
4 Math
Coolmath4kids's Logo Coolmath4kids CoolMath, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 02/05/2024
Expires: 02/05/2027
4 Math
Copydown's Logo Copydown New Visions for Public Schools Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/12/2024
Expires: 02/12/2027
NewCorgi Cast, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 12/22/2024
Expires: 12/22/2027
6, 7, 8 Science
Creator Studio's Logo Creator Studio Digital Inspiration Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/17/2024
Expires: 06/17/2027
Curipod's Logo Curipod
Purpose: Science: Reggie Hobbs requester.

Privacy Policy
Curipod Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/27/2023
Expires: 03/27/2026
9, 10, 11, 12 Science
Cursive Writing Wizard - Trace Letters and Words's Logo Cursive Writing Wizard - Trace Letters and Words L'Escapadou Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: No student data collected.

PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Other
DaVinci Resolve's Logo DaVinci Resolve
Privacy Policy
Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. Approved
11 Visual Performing Arts
Deck.Toys's Logo Deck.Toys Deck.Toys Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/19/2022
Expires: 05/19/2025
9 Science Data List
Deer Oaks EAP Services
Purpose: EAP Software/Website for staff only.
Deer Oaks EAP Services, LLC Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Does not permit users under age 18.

Delta Math's Logo Delta Math
Purpose: Practice problems for math class

Privacy Policy
Delta Math Approved Agreement
Approved: 11/08/2022
Expires: 11/08/2025
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Math Data List
Desmos's Logo Desmos
Privacy Policy
Desmos, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/30/2022
Expires: 08/30/2025
Data List
Desmos Classroom's Logo Desmos Classroom Amplify Education, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/23/2024
Expires: 08/23/2027
Desmos Math's Logo Desmos Math
Privacy Policy
Amplify Education, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/23/2024
Expires: 08/23/2027
3, 4, 5 Math
Privacy Policy
Dialogic Labs, Inc. Approved
With the Following Restrictions: For Teacher Use Only: No student data/PII collected.
With the Following DPA Restrictions: For Teacher Use Only: No student data/PII collected.

9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts
Purpose: For use with student clubs

Privacy Policy
Discord Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: While we’re more than happy to support our users in any way possible, we aren’t currently equipped to support schools in complying with FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and Section 508 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Doceri's Logo Doceri SP Controls, Inc. Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
DocHub's Logo DocHub Macroplant Not Approved Declined
Doctopus's Logo Doctopus New Visions for Public Schools Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/12/2024
Expires: 02/12/2027
Data List
Docusign's Logo Docusign
Privacy Policy
Docusign Approved
With the Following Restrictions: This software only used by adults; no student data used or collected.

Doozy Live
Purpose: Use to create quizes with elementary school students.
Doozy Quiz Ltd. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Doozy uses targeted advertising.
2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science
Draw and Tell's Logo Draw and Tell
Privacy Policy
Duck Duck Moose LLC Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No student data collected.

K, 1, 2 English Language Arts, Educational Technology, Math, Science, Computer Science
DRC- Polyphonic Synthesizer Imaginando LDA Not Approved Declined
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Dreambox Learning's Logo Dreambox Learning
Privacy Policy
Discovery Education Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/02/2022
Expires: 11/02/2025
Data List
Duolingo's Logo Duolingo
Privacy Policy
Duolingo Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Response: We're not able to sign school or district-level privacy agreements. We're working to ensure that we comply with all state requirements, though, and hope to get there soon!
DyKnow's Logo DyKnow
Purpose: DyKnow is a cloud-based program that allows teachers to monitor students' online activity in the classroom. Block applications (including Internet browsers and calculators) during test time. Focus students on specific websites and applications to prevent them from accessing any other content on their device.
Securly, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/11/2024
Expires: 12/11/2027
Data List
Easy Accents's Logo Easy Accents
Privacy Policy
Easy Accents Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/07/2022
Expires: 04/07/2025
6,8,9,10,11,12 World Language
eChinese eChinese, LLC Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Only used by teachers. No student use and no student data collected.
With the Following DPA Restrictions: Only used by teachers. No student use and no student data collected.

12 World Language
Ecosia Ecosia Not Approved Declined
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Edgenuity's Logo Edgenuity
Privacy Policy
Imagine Learning LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/22/2024
Expires: 04/22/2027
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Math, Science, Social Science, World Language, Computer Science
Purpose: EDPlan is a suite of tools and services from PCG that helps you promote a plan for student success—in special education, academics, behavior, and beyond.

Privacy Policy
Public Consulting Group Education Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/31/2023
Expires: 05/31/2026
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Edpuzzle's Logo Edpuzzle
Privacy Policy
EDPuzzle Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/31/2022
Expires: 01/31/2025
6,7,8 English Language Arts,Health,Educational Technology,Library Media,Math,Science,Physical Education,Visual Performing Arts,Social Science,Other,World Language,Computer Science,SPED Data List
Educandy Educandy Approved
2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
EduClimber's Logo EduClimber Renaissance Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/23/2024
Expires: 02/23/2027
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
EduNovela EduNovela Approved Agreement
Approved: 05/24/2023
Expires: 05/24/2026
Data List
Ellevation Education's Logo Ellevation Education
Purpose: ELL program management

Privacy Policy
Ellevation, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 08/06/2018 K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
English Grammar 101's Logo English Grammar 101 Cingletree Learning, LLC Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Company went out of business.
9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts
Epic!'s Logo Epic!
Privacy Policy
Epic Creations, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/13/2023
Expires: 07/13/2026
K,1,2,3,4,5 English Language Arts Data List
Equation Editor ++ Equation Editor ++ Approved
6, 7, 8 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
EverFi's Logo EverFi
Privacy Policy
EverFi, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/22/2024
Expires: 11/22/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Data List
Everyday Speech's Logo Everyday Speech
Purpose: To create a data agreement with Everyday Speech so it can be approved for use in CPS.

Privacy Policy
Everyday Speech LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/29/2022
Expires: 11/29/2025
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 SPED
Explain Everything's Logo Explain Everything
Privacy Policy
Promethean, Inc Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/07/2024
Expires: 04/07/2027
Data List
Explore Learning's Logo Explore Learning ExploreLearning, LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 03/29/2024
Expires: 03/29/2027
Data List
Extempore's Logo Extempore
Purpose: Practice application for foreign language students.

Privacy Policy
Deeloh Technologies Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/04/2024
Expires: 04/04/2027
Data List
Extensis fonts Extensis Not Approved Declined
6, 7, 8 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Privacy Policy
Future Business Leaders of America Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/13/2024
Expires: 06/13/2027
9, 10, 11, 12 Other, Career Technical Education
FigJam's Logo FigJam
Privacy Policy
Figma, Inc. Not Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED
Figma for Education's Logo Figma for Education
Privacy Policy
Figma, Inc.
With the Following DPA Restrictions: FIGMA does not permit users under age 13. Do not transfer any PII for students under 13. To do so would violate both FIGMA's TOS and the DPA. Not Approved
Exhibit E
Visual Performing Arts Data List
FigureThis NCTM Approved
4 Math
FilmMicPro FilmMicPro Approved
Approved: 12/10/2020 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Finale's Logo Finale Makemusic, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/23/2024
Expires: 04/23/2027
Data List
First Then Visual Schedule HD
Privacy Policy
Good Karma Applications, Inc Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/26/2023
Expires: 10/26/2026
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Flangoo's Logo Flangoo
Privacy Policy
Teachers' Discovery Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/13/2024
Expires: 08/13/2027
6, 7, 8 World Language Data List
Flat for Education's Logo Flat for Education
Purpose: Tool for teaching music notation. The Google cloud plugin allows users to insert musical notation into Google Docs and Google Slides

Privacy Policy
Tutteo Inc Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/21/2022
Expires: 10/21/2025
Data List
Flaticon Flaticon Approved
Approved: 11/17/2020 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Flint AI for Schools
Purpose: AI tools, assignments, and transparency for teachers and students

Privacy Policy
Flint Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/17/2023
Expires: 12/17/2026
9, 10, 11, 12 World Language
Flip's Logo Flip
Privacy Policy
Flipgrid, Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data from Flip will be migrated into Teams. All videos and all user data across all systems of Flip will be fully deleted within 30 days of Flip's sunset on October 1, 2024, in accordance with the Terms of Use, and Flip.com will no longer be available.
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Flippity's Logo Flippity
Privacy Policy
Flippity Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Other
Flocabulary's Logo Flocabulary
Purpose: Educational Hip-Hop. Videos to introduce, review, and practice content across the curriculum.

Privacy Policy
Renaissance Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/21/2022
Expires: 01/21/2025
PK,K,1,2,3,4,5 English Language Arts,Math,Science,Social Science Data List
Fluency Tutor's Logo Fluency Tutor
Purpose: Instruction and Formative Assessment Tool. District does not pay for districtwide premium licensing.
Texthelp Ltd. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/19/2021 K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts Data List
Forest Forest App CC Not Approved Declined
9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Library Media, Math, Science, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, World Language
Form Timer GClocked Not Approved Declined
9, 10, 11, 12 Science
Formative's Logo Formative
Privacy Policy
Newsela Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/29/2022
Expires: 12/29/2025
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED
Fotor Chengdu Everimaging Science & Technology Co., Ltd Not Approved Declined
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
NewFraction Nation (SAM) Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/18/2026
Expires: 08/18/2026
Frax's Logo Frax
Privacy Policy
ExploreLearning, LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 03/29/2024
Expires: 03/29/2027
Data List
Freesound's Logo Freesound Universitat Pompeu Fabra Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Staff Use ONLY. PII Collected.

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Frontline Absence & Time (formerly Aesop)'s Logo Frontline Absence & Time (formerly Aesop)
Privacy Policy
Frontline Technologies Group LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/09/2024
Expires: 05/09/2027
9, 10, 11, 12 Other Data List
Gale Virtual Reference Library's Logo Gale Virtual Reference Library
Privacy Policy
Cengage Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 03/29/2018 9, 10, 11, 12 Science
Geogebra's Logo Geogebra
Privacy Policy
GeoGebra Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/29/2024
Expires: 05/29/2027
9, 10, 11, 12 Math Data List
Geoguessr's Logo Geoguessr
Privacy Policy
GeoGuessr Approved
With the Following Restrictions: This website, including Seterra has had logins and new account creation blocked for students. This should block them from being able to make accounts on school devices. Terms of service note no personal accounts under the age of 16.

6, 7, 8 Social Science
Gimkit's Logo Gimkit
Purpose: Study / Flashcards

Privacy Policy
Gimkit Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/15/2022
Expires: 06/15/2025
6,7,8 English Language Arts,Health,Math,Science,Social Science,World Language Data List
GitHub's Logo GitHub
Privacy Policy
GitHub, Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: endor Response: We are not FERPA compliant because we cannot give your school sole control over the files it uploads.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
GiveThx GiveThx Approved Agreement
Approved: 09/05/2024
Expires: 09/05/2027
Gizmo Science's Logo Gizmo Science
Privacy Policy
ExploreLearning, LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 03/29/2024
Expires: 03/29/2027
Data List
Gizmos's Logo Gizmos
Privacy Policy
ExploreLearning, LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 03/29/2024
Expires: 03/29/2027
Data List
Glide Apps
Privacy Policy
typeguard, Inc. Approved
9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Glowforge Glowforge
With the Following DPA Restrictions: Declined Reasoning: Vendor Response: We'd love to help. Unfortunately we have a lengthy review process for any new agreement like this involving our external legal counsel, and it's not something we're able to do for a single-unit order. For a purchase order for multiple units, I know our team has made exceptions in cases like this. Not Approved
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Go Visual Attainment Company, Inc. Approved
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Godot Engine's Logo Godot Engine Godot Engine Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No student logins or data collected.

9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts, Computer Science
GoNoodle's Logo GoNoodle
Privacy Policy
GoNoodle, Inc. Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No data collected.

K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Other
GoodNotes's Logo GoodNotes Time Base Technology Limited
With the Following Restrictions: This product's developers have noted it is only for use by students over the age of 16. It should not be used on any school devices. LPS does not pursue parental permissions. Not Approved

9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Google Colaboratory's Logo Google Colaboratory
Privacy Policy
Google Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Not a Google Workspace for Education Core Serivce.
9, 10, 11, 12 Educational Technology, Math, Other, Computer Science
Google Data Studio
Purpose: Data studio uses data to create interactive dashboards and automated reports that help inform organizational decisions

Privacy Policy
Google Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Only Google apps that are included in G Suite for Education Core Services are approved for use.
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Google Meet Attendance List Blue Pixel Group Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Approved, no data collected.

9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Google My Maps Google Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Google's Terms of Service states that this product cannot be used by children/students under the age of 18 without parental permission. LPS does not use permission based access for software due to management and equity concerns.
3, 4, 5 Educational Technology, Science, Social Science
Google Workspace for Education's Logo Google Workspace for Education
Privacy Policy
Google Approved
With the Following Restrictions: You can view all associated services covered under the core services here: https://workspace.google.com/intl/en/terms/user_features/
Purpose: Formative assessment and feedback tool for science classes at high school. GoSoapBox c/o 1871 222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza, 12th Floor Chicago, IL 60654
GoSoapBox Not Approved Declined
9, 10, 11, 12 Science
Grammarly's Logo Grammarly
Privacy Policy
Grammarly Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/18/2022
Expires: 01/18/2025
English Language Arts Data List
Gravit Gravit Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Gravit is unable to meet the requirements of the DPA.
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Grid for ipad's Logo Grid for ipad Smartbox Assistive Technology Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Company claims they do not collect any student PII.

K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Other
Gynzy Gynzy Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/06/2023
Expires: 02/06/2026
Data List
Handwriting Without Tears's Logo Handwriting Without Tears Learning Without Tears Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/26/2022
Expires: 01/26/2025
K,1,2,3,4,5 Other,Computer Science Data List
Headspace for Kids's Logo Headspace for Kids Head Space Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Headspace does not permit students to create accounts. Staff accounts ONLY.

6, 7, 8 Other
Hear Builder's Logo Hear Builder
Purpose: Online program for speech pathologists working with students with auditory memory and comprehension difficulty. It’s offered free through June 30.

Privacy Policy
Super Duper Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 01/07/2023
Expires: 01/07/2026
K,1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12 Other Data List
Heinemann Flight's Logo Heinemann Flight
Privacy Policy
Heinemann Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/18/2024
Expires: 12/18/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts
Privacy Policy
HelloChinese Approved Agreement
Approved: 06/17/2024
Expires: 06/17/2027
6, 7, 8 World Language
HelpKidzLearn's Logo HelpKidzLearn
Privacy Policy
Inclusive Technology Ltd Approved
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 SPED
High School Chemistry Lab Safety Course for Students
Privacy Policy
Flinn Scientific, Inc. Approved
9, 10, 11, 12 Science
Hoopla's Logo Hoopla Midwest Tape, LLC Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Declined Reasoning: "At this time, as we are not in a position to contract directly with K-12 school libraries, we will not be signing the agreement." Cost: $Free
9, 10, 11, 12 World Language
Hopscotch's Logo Hopscotch
Privacy Policy
Hopscotch Approved Agreement
Approved: 09/20/2024
Expires: 09/20/2027
K Computer Science Data List
How the Market Works's Logo How the Market Works
Purpose: We use this stock market simulation in Personal Finance because it is the only simulation that allows us to select the parameters for timeframe. All others require us to follow pre-set time periods that don't fit with the sequence of our course.

Privacy Policy
Stock-Trak Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/11/2023
Expires: 01/11/2026
6,7,8 Math,Social Science Data List
Privacy Policy
Agile Sports Technologies, Inc. Not Approved
6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Physical Education
Huntington Theater
Purpose: Performing arts resource for virtual/remote learning: Lexington High School students
Huntington Theater Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor requires student names, Emails and uses third party softwares that students can access. Requested by staff member but not pursued due to data privacy concerns.
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
iCivics's Logo iCivics
Privacy Policy
iCivics, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/16/2023
Expires: 10/16/2040
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Social Science Data List
ICT Games ICT Games Approved
4 Math
Imagine Language & Literacy's Logo Imagine Language & Literacy
Privacy Policy
Imagine Learning LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/22/2024
Expires: 04/22/2027
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Math, Science, Social Science, World Language, Computer Science
Imagine Learning 's Logo Imagine Learning
Privacy Policy
Imagine Learning LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/20/2022
Expires: 01/20/2025
9,10,11 Math Data List
Imagine Learning Classroom (formerly LearnZillion)
Privacy Policy
Imagine Learning LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/22/2024
Expires: 04/22/2027
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Math, Science, Social Science, World Language, Computer Science
Imagine Learning-Illustrative Mathematics's Logo Imagine Learning-Illustrative Mathematics Imagine Learning LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/20/2022
Expires: 01/20/2025
9, 10, 11, 12 Math
Imagine Math Facts's Logo Imagine Math Facts
Privacy Policy
Imagine Learning LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/22/2024
Expires: 04/22/2027
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Math, Science, Social Science, World Language, Computer Science
Purpose: Concussion testing.
ImPACT Applications, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/29/2022
Expires: 11/29/2025
9,10,11,12 Physical Education,Other Data List
Inq-ITS Worcester Polytechnic Institute Approved Agreement
Approved: 02/06/2024
Expires: 02/06/2027
InsertLearning's Logo InsertLearning Insert Learning Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/02/2022
Expires: 03/02/2025
Data List
Privacy Policy
TechEdology Ltd Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/04/2023
Expires: 04/04/2026
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Math, Science, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, World Language, Computer Science, SPED
IPA Source
Privacy Policy
IPA Source Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Teacher use only; no student data collected or PII shared.

9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
iPastels Norbyte Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Company claims that they do not collect any student PII.

K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Visual Performing Arts
Purpose: access online content https://my.mheducation.com/login
McGraw Hill Education Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/08/2024
Expires: 08/08/2027
6, 7, 8 Math
iSharePRC's Logo iSharePRC PRC-Saltillo Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/29/2022
Expires: 08/29/2025
PK Other
Privacy Policy
Itch Not Approved Declined
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts, Computer Science
iTrace iTrace Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 SPED
Jamboard's Logo Jamboard
Privacy Policy
Google Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Library Media, Math, Science, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED
JamKazam JamKazam Not Approved Declined
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Purpose: Music classes/performing instruments
Jamulus Approved
Approved: 08/30/2020 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
JogNog's Logo JogNog G7 Research LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/08/2024
Expires: 01/08/2027
Data List
Johnnies Math Page JMP Approved
4 Math
JuiceMind's Logo JuiceMind
Purpose: Requested by Chris Brunner; Computer Science
JuiceMind Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/25/2022
Expires: 04/25/2026
9, 10, 11, 12 Computer Science
K-12 ETR/Health Smarts Digital subscriptions ETR Associates Approved
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Health
Kahoot!'s Logo Kahoot!
Privacy Policy
Kahoot! Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/11/2023
Expires: 12/11/2026
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other Data List
Kami's Logo Kami
Privacy Policy
Kami Limited Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/06/2023
Expires: 06/06/2026
Data List
Keyboarding Without Tears's Logo Keyboarding Without Tears Learning Without Tears Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/26/2022
Expires: 01/26/2025
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Educational Technology, Other
Khan Academy's Logo Khan Academy
Privacy Policy
Khan Academy
With the Following Restrictions: Declined Reasoning: Vendor Response: Our current process is to use our standard DPA that individual districts can sign. You can find a copy of this attached. We are considering whether we can use the SDPC form with some Khan Academy specific modifications, but we do not have a specific date for adoption of the SDPC form at this time. Not Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Science, Other, World Language
Kidblog's Logo Kidblog
Privacy Policy
Kidblog Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/24/2023
Expires: 08/24/2026
Data List
Kids Yoga Namaste Kid Approved
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Physical Education
Knowledge Hook
Privacy Policy
Knowledge Hook Inc Approved Agreement
Approved: 05/18/2024
Expires: 05/18/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Math
Knowt's Logo Knowt
Privacy Policy
Knowt, Inc Approved
With the Following Restrictions: KnowT does not permit users under age 13.
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/21/2022
Expires: 09/21/2025
8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Kodable's Logo Kodable
Privacy Policy
SurfScore, Inc Approved
With the Following Restrictions: "Managing/deleting student data/work needs to be done through an individual teacher's Kodable account."
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/07/2022
Expires: 05/07/2025
Data List
Kuta Software's Logo Kuta Software
Privacy Policy
Kuta Software LLC Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Kuta Software is for teachers and may not be used by students. It collects no student data.

6, 7, 8 Math
LabXchange Harvard University Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: We are unable to sign the DPA, It is possible for teachers and students to use the platform's public library, which includes virtual lab simulations, without logging in to accounts.
9, 10, 11, 12 Science
LAMP - Words For Life's Logo LAMP - Words For Life
Privacy Policy
PRC-Saltillo Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/29/2022
Expires: 08/29/2025
Data List
Language Testing International - AAPPL's Logo Language Testing International - AAPPL Language Testing International Approved Agreement
Approved: 09/27/2023
Expires: 09/27/2026
Language Testing International - Oral Proficiency Interview Language Testing International Approved Agreement
Approved: 09/27/2023
Expires: 09/27/2026
LanguageTool LanguageTool Not Approved Declined
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Science, Social Science
LaTex Editor (Chrome extension)
Privacy Policy
Keller Approved
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Educational Technology, Math, Other, Computer Science
Layered Earth
Privacy Policy
Simulation Curriculum Approved
6, 8 Science
Learning Ally's Logo Learning Ally
Privacy Policy
Learning Ally Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/12/2024
Expires: 08/12/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts Data List
LeechBlock NG
Privacy Policy
Proginosko Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Approved; No data collected.

9, 10, 11, 12 Educational Technology, Other, Computer Science
Lego Education products's Logo Lego Education products LEGO Brand Retail, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/17/2022
Expires: 03/17/2025
Data List
LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3's Logo LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3
Purpose: So AHS students can program robots. Free version for google app/extension https://education.lego.com/

Privacy Policy
LEGO Brand Retail, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/17/2022
Expires: 03/17/2025
Data List
LessonPix's Logo LessonPix
Privacy Policy
LessonPix Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Approved, no data collected.

K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science
NewLevel Up Village
Privacy Policy
Language Testing International, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 12/24/2024
Expires: 12/24/2027
Lexia's Logo Lexia
Privacy Policy
Lexia Learning Systems LLC, a Cambium Learning® Group company Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/25/2024
Expires: 06/25/2027
Data List
Lingco's Logo Lingco Lingco Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/25/2023
Expires: 09/25/2026
6, 7, 8 World Language
Lingt Language's Logo Lingt Language
Privacy Policy
Lingt Language, Inc. Not Approved TEC Agreement V5B with Exhibit
6, 7, 8 World Language
Linkit.com's Logo Linkit.com LinkIt Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/28/2024
Expires: 04/28/2027
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED
Listenwise's Logo Listenwise
Privacy Policy
Listen Innovation, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/03/2022
Expires: 02/03/2025
6,7,8 Other Data List
LitCharts's Logo LitCharts LitCharts Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No data collected. Only used by teachers.

6, 7, 8 English Language Arts, Social Science
Lively Letters 's Logo Lively Letters
Privacy Policy
Reading with TLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 08/10/2022
Expires: 08/10/2025
Loeb Classical Library
Purpose: Use for world language students at Lexington High School.
Harvard University Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Harvard will not sign DPAs.
9, 10, 11, 12 World Language
Looker Studio
Privacy Policy
With the Following DPA Restrictions: Declined Declined Reasoning: Looker is not a Google Workspace for Education Core Service. Not for use for students under the age of 18. Not Approved

PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Lumio (formerly SMART Learning Suite Online)'s Logo Lumio (formerly SMART Learning Suite Online) SMART Technologies LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/15/2024
Expires: 02/15/2027
MagicSchool.ai's Logo MagicSchool.ai
Privacy Policy
With the Following Restrictions: Declined Reasoning: MagicSchool has signed the DPA for their paid "Innovator's product." They will not sign a DPA for their free product. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Declined Reasoning: MagicSchool has signed the DPA for their paid "Innovator's product." They will not sign a DPA for their free product.
9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Educational Technology, Math, Science, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, World Language, Computer Science
Magistrula Magistrula Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Declined Reasoning: Vendor Response: I'm afraid I'm not in a position to enter into legal agreements of this nature. I'm a former Latin teacher who has kept my site up and running for the benefit of other teachers & students. I follow best practices with regard to protecting student data, but I do not have a legal team (nor could I afford one, as access to my site is offered free of charge), and I am not comfortable signing any legal agreements. Much of my site can be used without creating a user account and logging in, so that might be a way for your school to benefit from the resource without grappling with privacy issues.
9, 10, 11, 12 World Language
Maneuvering The Middle Maneuvering The Middle Approved
With the Following Restrictions: With the Following LEA-Specific Restrictions: Teacher use only. No student data shared.

6, 7, 8 Math
Mark Lawrence Photographers Mark Lawrence Photographers, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/02/2022
Expires: 03/02/2025
12 Other
Math is Fun Mathsisfun.com Approved
4 Math
Math Playground's Logo Math Playground
Privacy Policy
Math Playground LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/03/2022
Expires: 02/03/2025
Data List
Mathigon's Logo Mathigon Amplify Education, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/23/2024
Expires: 08/23/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Math Data List
Privacy Policy
Amplify Education, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/23/2024
Expires: 08/23/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts Data List
Microsoft Teams Microsoft Corporation Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/08/2022
Expires: 06/08/2025
9, 10, 11, 12 Social Science, Other Data List
Minecraft Education's Logo Minecraft Education
Privacy Policy
Microsoft Corporation Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/08/2022
Expires: 06/08/2025
K,1,2,3,4,5 SPED Data List
MobyMax's Logo MobyMax
Privacy Policy
MobyMax Education LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/28/2024
Expires: 05/28/2027
Data List
Mosa Mack Science's Logo Mosa Mack Science
Privacy Policy
Mosa Mack Science Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/22/2022
Expires: 10/22/2025
Data List
Mote's Logo Mote
Privacy Policy
Mote Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/28/2023 Data List
Multi Health Systems's Logo Multi Health Systems
Purpose: Assessments
MHS Assessments Approved Agreement
Approved: 01/13/2023
Expires: 01/13/2026
Data List
MuseScore's Logo MuseScore
Privacy Policy
MuseScore BVBA Approved
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Music Snippet's Logo Music Snippet
Purpose: Music dept

Privacy Policy
Tutteo Inc Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/21/2022
Expires: 10/21/2025
K,1,2,3,4,5 Visual Performing Arts Data List
MusicPlayOnline's Logo MusicPlayOnline
Purpose: This music learning portal allows music teachers to curate digital resources appropriate for complimenting remote teaching, both synchronously and asynchronously.

Privacy Policy
Themes and Variations, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/07/2022
Expires: 09/07/2025
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Visual Performing Arts
Musition & Auralia Rising Software Approved Agreement
Approved: 06/02/2022
Expires: 06/02/2025
9,10,11,12 Visual Performing Arts
Musition Cloud's Logo Musition Cloud
Purpose: The world's most powerful ear training & music theory software. Auralia and Musition have been designed specifically to save teachers time and improve student results. Automated testing, assessment, reporting and in-depth teacher materials are all included - Auralia and Musition are a complete music education software solution.
Rising Software Australia Pty LTD Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/02/2022
Expires: 06/02/2025
9,10,11,12 Visual Performing Arts Data List
My Geodes
Privacy Policy
Great Minds PBC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/05/2022
Expires: 12/05/2025
1 English Language Arts Data List
MyFlex Learning Online Scheduler's Logo MyFlex Learning Online Scheduler Nash Consulting LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 09/23/2024
Expires: 09/23/2027
myPerspectives's Logo myPerspectives
Purpose: District Provided; Student Tools; Teach All Students: The District provides this resource to specific courses (such as US History). Students and teachers may access the application on the CORE App Dashboard. The IT Department provides support for single sign-on and user management and security for the application. The IT Department shares all course data K-12 with the vendor with the application.

Privacy Policy
Savvas Learning Company LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/01/2022
Expires: 04/01/2025
9,10,11,12 English Language Arts Data List
MySchoolBucks's Logo MySchoolBucks
Privacy Policy
Heartland Payment Systems, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/24/2022
Expires: 02/24/2025
JK,PK,K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Other Data List
National Speech and Debate Association National Speech and Debate Association Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Written parent consent required.
In Use at District
9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Naviance's Logo Naviance
Privacy Policy
PowerSchool Group LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 09/14/2018
Nearpod's Logo Nearpod
Privacy Policy
Renaissance Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 01/21/2022
Expires: 01/21/2025
Data List
NEMB New England Medical Billing Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/25/2022
Expires: 05/25/2025
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Nessy Nessy Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/02/2024
Expires: 01/02/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Math
News2You's Logo News2You
Privacy Policy
n2y, LLC. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/05/2024
Expires: 07/05/2027
Data List
Newsdle's Logo Newsdle
Privacy Policy
The Chairman’s Bao Ltd. Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No student data collected; still trying to get an agreement.

9, 10, 11, 12 World Language
Next Gen Personal Finance Next Gen Personal Finance Approved
With the Following Restrictions: With the Following DPA Restrictions: Company claims they do not collect any PII. No student accounts. No transfer of student PII. Teacher accounts only.

6, 7, 8 Math, Social Science
Nitro Type's Logo Nitro Type
Privacy Policy
Teaching.com Not Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Data List
NoodleTools's Logo NoodleTools
Privacy Policy
NoodleTools Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/18/2024
Expires: 12/18/2027
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other Data List
NoRedInk's Logo NoRedInk
Privacy Policy
NoRedInk Corp. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/02/2024
Expires: 05/02/2027
3, 4, 5 English Language Arts Data List
Notability's Logo Notability
Privacy Policy
Ginger Labs, Inc. Approved
With the Following Restrictions: With the Following LEA-Specific Restrictions: Approved only if no student accounts are created. Transfer no student PII.

K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Noteflight's Logo Noteflight
Privacy Policy
Noteflight, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/20/2024
Expires: 09/20/2027
Data List
Notion's Logo Notion Notion Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Notion refused to sign the DPA.
9, 10, 11, 12 Educational Technology, Other
NutriKids's Logo NutriKids Heartland Payment Systems, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/24/2022
Expires: 02/24/2025
JK,PK,K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Other Data List
NuVoice PASS 's Logo NuVoice PASS
Privacy Policy
PRC-Saltillo Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/29/2022
Expires: 08/29/2025
K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 SPED Data List
Obsidian's Logo Obsidian Dynalist Inc Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Company claims they do not receive any PII. All data is stored locally to user's device.

9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Privacy Policy
Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab Approved
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 English Language Arts, Educational Technology, Computer Science
OneTab's Logo OneTab OneTab Ltd. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: We're NOT the domain owner and NOT responsible for the advertisements on this site.
9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Online Voice Recorder's Logo Online Voice Recorder
Privacy Policy
123apps LLC Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
OverDrive and Sora's Logo OverDrive and Sora
Purpose: E-book and digital audiobook platform for libraries

Privacy Policy
OverDrive, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/23/2022
Expires: 02/23/2025
Data List
Overleaf Latex Editor Overleaf
With the Following Restrictions: Declined Reasoning: Overleaf user's account (and their projects on Overleaf) are private to that individual user, and Overleaf itself is used by millions of users all around the world. As such, it's not possible for us to sign individual data privacy policies for specific groups of users. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Declined Reasoning: Overleaf user's account (and their projects on Overleaf) are private to that individual user, and Overleaf itself is used by millions of users all around the world. As such, it's not possible for us to sign individual data privacy policies for specific groups of users.
9, 10, 11, 12 Computer Science
Oxford University Database Oxford University Database Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED
Padlet's Logo Padlet
Privacy Policy
WallWisher, Inc. dba Padlet Approved Agreement
Approved: 10/12/2023
Expires: 10/12/2026
Data List
Padlet's Logo Padlet
Privacy Policy
WallWisher, Inc. dba Padlet Approved Agreement
Approved: 10/12/2023
Expires: 10/12/2026
Data List
Page Marker Extension's Logo Page Marker Extension
Privacy Policy
Page Marker Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No PII or data collected.

9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Parallax Inc. Parallax Inc. Approved
9, 10, 11, 12 Computer Science
Parallel by Simon Singh
Privacy Policy
Good Thinking Approved Agreement
Approved: 03/15/2024
Expires: 03/15/2027
Purpose: Parallel offers rich, meaningful extension for scholars that is also aligned with CCSS! This is a great opportunity for scholars to work through joyful, rigorous math in a variety of contexts that are informative and engaging.
Simon Singh Approved Agreement
Approved: 03/15/2024
Expires: 03/15/2027
6,7,8 Math
Pattern Shapes by Math Learning Center's Logo Pattern Shapes by Math Learning Center
Privacy Policy
Math Learning Center Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Approved, no PII collected.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Math
Pearson Clinical Q-Global's Logo Pearson Clinical Q-Global
Privacy Policy
Pearson Education, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/31/2022
Expires: 08/31/2025
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED Data List
Pearson Education's Logo Pearson Education
Privacy Policy
Pearson Education, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 06/05/2018 9, 10, 11, 12 Science
PebbleGo's Logo PebbleGo
Purpose: We have already purchased this for use in our K-5 schools. We need a DPA to begin using it.

Privacy Policy
PebbleGo by Capstone Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/07/2022
Expires: 04/07/2025
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Library Media
PhET Interactive Science Simulations (No Student Accounts)'s Logo PhET Interactive Science Simulations (No Student Accounts)
Purpose: With the Following DPA Restrictions: There are no student accounts. No student PII is transferred.

Privacy Policy
University of Colorado Boulder Approved
With the Following Restrictions: With the Following DPA Restrictions: There are no student accounts. No student PII is transferred.
With the Following DPA Restrictions: With the Following DPA Restrictions: There are no student accounts. No student PII is transferred.

9, 10, 11, 12 Science
Privacy Policy
AssistiveWare B.V. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/27/2022
Expires: 04/27/2025
Data List
Piktochart's Logo Piktochart
Purpose: Creating own infographics with students

Privacy Policy
Piktochart Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/15/2023
Expires: 01/15/2026
6, 7, 8 Social Science
Pink Oatmeal Pink Oatmeal Approved
Approved: 09/28/2020 K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Pixton's Logo Pixton
Privacy Policy
Pixton Comics Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/21/2024
Expires: 08/21/2027
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED Data List
Pixton's Logo Pixton
Privacy Policy
Pixton Comics Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 08/21/2024
Expires: 08/21/2027
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED Data List
Playmeo Playmeo PTY Ltd Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Approved for use by teachers only. No student data collected. Not used by students.

7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Physical Education
Plickers's Logo Plickers Plickers Inc. Not Approved
Poe's Logo Poe
Purpose: When you enter in your grade level, lesson plan, design question, etc, it creates Universal Design ideas to increase flexible means of meeting the learning goals.

Privacy Policy
Quora Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Approved for staff use only. No student use. No student data collected.

PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
POGIL® Activities for High School Biology
Privacy Policy
Flinn Scientific, Inc. Approved
9, 10, 11, 12 Science
Poll Everywhere's Logo Poll Everywhere
Privacy Policy
Poll Everywhere, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/18/2022
Expires: 02/18/2025
PowerSchool's Logo PowerSchool
Privacy Policy
PowerSchool Group LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 09/14/2018
PowerTools's Logo PowerTools Tools of the Mind Approved Agreement
Approved: 05/06/2024
Expires: 05/06/2027
K English Language Arts,Math,Science,Social Science,Other
Procreate's Logo Procreate
Privacy Policy
Savage Software Group Pty Ltd. Approved
10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Prodigy's Logo Prodigy
Privacy Policy
Prodigy Education Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/20/2022
Expires: 01/20/2025
6,7,8 Math Data List
Project Read App
Privacy Policy
Project Read AI Inc Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/02/2023
Expires: 10/02/2026
K, 1, 2, 3, 4 English Language Arts
Project Read FYT Language Circle Enterprises Approved
3, 4, 5 English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Science
Proloquo2go's Logo Proloquo2go
Privacy Policy
AssistiveWare B.V. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/27/2022
Expires: 04/27/2025
Data List
Proloquo4text AssistiveWare B.V. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/27/2022
Expires: 04/27/2025
Data List
Q-interactive's Logo Q-interactive Pearson Education, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/31/2022
Expires: 08/31/2025
Data List
QLab's Logo QLab Figure 53 Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Teacher used software. No PII or data collected from students.

9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Quia's Logo Quia
Privacy Policy
IXL Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/09/2024
Expires: 07/09/2027
Data List
Quill's Logo Quill
Privacy Policy
Empirical Resolution Inc. d/b/a quill.org Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/26/2023
Expires: 02/26/2025
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts
Quizizz's Logo Quizizz
Privacy Policy
Quizizz Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/26/2023
Expires: 07/26/2026
Data List
Quizlet's Logo Quizlet
Privacy Policy
Quizlet Inc. Not Approved Declined
Raz-Kids's Logo Raz-Kids
Privacy Policy
Learning A-Z, LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 07/24/2024
Expires: 07/24/2027
Data List
Raz-Kids's Logo Raz-Kids
Privacy Policy
Learning A-Z, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/24/2024
Expires: 07/24/2027
Data List
Read 180's Logo NewRead 180
Purpose: I am currently working with multiple students that either have dyslexia or are reading significantly below grade level. https://www.hmhco.com/products/read-180/faq.php#questions16

Privacy Policy
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/18/2026
Expires: 08/18/2026
Read Naturally's Logo Read Naturally Read Naturally, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/29/2024
Expires: 05/29/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts Data List
Read&Write for Google's Logo Read&Write for Google
Privacy Policy
Texthelp Ltd. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/17/2023
Expires: 11/17/2026
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Library Media, Math, Science, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, SPED Data List
Reading A-Z's Logo Reading A-Z
Privacy Policy
Learning A-Z, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/24/2024
Expires: 07/24/2027
Data List
ReadTheory's Logo ReadTheory ReadTheory Not Approved
6, 7, 8 English Language Arts, SPED
ReadWorks's Logo ReadWorks
Purpose: We need this for students while remote learning.

Privacy Policy
ReadWorks, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/03/2024
Expires: 01/03/2027
Data List
Realize Language's Logo Realize Language PRC-Saltillo Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/18/2022
Expires: 05/18/2025
JK,PK,K,1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12 Other Data List
Realtime Music Solutions Realtime Music Solutions Approved Agreement
Approved: 01/14/2024
Expires: 01/14/2027
Record to Slides Record to Slides Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Recordcast Pearl Mountain Limited Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: We enable the sharing of user content on our Services. If your content is public-facing, third parties may access and use it.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Computer Science
Recurring Emails for Gmail's Logo Recurring Emails for Gmail
Purpose: Staff use only: Sends your emails at a later time once, or recurring every X hours/days/months/years

Privacy Policy
recurring-emails-for-gmail Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/06/2022
Expires: 04/06/2025
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Reflex Math's Logo Reflex Math ExploreLearning, LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 03/29/2024
Expires: 03/29/2027
Data List
replit's Logo replit
Privacy Policy
Neoreason Inc Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Teacher roster, no student PII.

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Computer Science
rethinkEd's Logo rethinkEd rethinkEd Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/04/2024
Expires: 04/04/2027
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Rewordify's Logo Rewordify Rewordify Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No student data collected.

6, 7, 8 Social Science
Robotify Robotify Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/22/2024
Expires: 04/22/2027
RocketLit's Logo RocketLit
Privacy Policy
RocketLit Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/29/2023
Expires: 08/29/2026
6,8 Science,Social Science Data List
Privacy Policy
Peaksay Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/29/2023
Expires: 03/29/2026
6, 7, 8 World Language
Save to Drive Extension Google Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: This extension points to Google's general privacy policy and is therefore not approved for use.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Scholastic Magazines (All Titles), and  BookFlix, Core Clicks, Literacy Pro, F.I.R.S.T., W.O.R.D., Next Steps Guided Reading Assessment, Watch & Learn, and Storia.'s Logo Scholastic Magazines (All Titles), and BookFlix, Core Clicks, Literacy Pro, F.I.R.S.T., W.O.R.D., Next Steps Guided Reading Assessment, Watch & Learn, and Storia. Scholastic, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/23/2022
Expires: 03/23/2025
Data List
School Status Connect's Logo School Status Connect
Privacy Policy
School Status Connect Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/15/2022
Expires: 07/15/2025
Data List
SchoolAI's Logo SchoolAI
Privacy Policy
SchoolAI Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/02/2024
Expires: 01/02/2027
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Educational Technology, Computer Science
Schoology's Logo Schoology
Privacy Policy
PowerSchool Group LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/19/2024
Expires: 10/19/2027
9, 10, 11, 12 Data List
Schoolytics's Logo Schoolytics
Privacy Policy
Schoolytics, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/28/2024
Expires: 02/28/2027
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Science4us ExploreLearning, LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 03/29/2024
Expires: 03/29/2027
Data List
Scientist Spotlight Initiative
Purpose: Used in science classes to highlight people who have been scientists.
Scientist Spotlight Initiatives Approved
Approved: 11/17/2020 9, 10, 11, 12 Math, Science
Scratch's Logo Scratch
Privacy Policy
Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Instructional Technology, Computer Science
Screencastify's Logo Screencastify
Privacy Policy
Screencastify, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/08/2024
Expires: 10/08/2027
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED Data List
Screenplay formatter's Logo Screenplay formatter Screenplay formatter Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Company claims they do not collect any student PII.

9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts
Securly's Logo Securly
Privacy Policy
Securly, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/11/2021 Data List
Seesaw's Logo NewSeesaw
Privacy Policy
Seesaw Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/17/2025
Expires: 01/17/2027
Data List
Serif; Affinity Publisher, Designer, Photo Serif Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Approved for staff use only. No student use, no student PII collected.

K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Session Buddy Session Buddy Approved
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Seterra's Logo Seterra
Privacy Policy
Seterra AB Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Uses Targeted Advertising and this response from vendor: Declined Reasoning: Vendor Response: I am very sorry, but Seterra is a very small Swedish company, and I am very unwilling to sign a legal document in US legal terminology, since I have no access to a lawyer with knowledge of US laws.
6, 7, 8 Social Science
Shared Contacts for Gmail Gapps Experts Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 08/29/2023
Expires: 08/29/2026
9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Privacy Policy
Conserve.IO, Inc. Approved
With the Following Restrictions: App is chromebook based and no student data is collected. No logins required by students and no PII shared.

6, 7, 8 Science
Shortcuts Apple, Inc. Approved
1, 2 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Sign Up Genius
Purpose: Middle School Conferences
SignUpGenius, Inc. Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Declined in other districts. This will only be used by parents to sign up for parent conferences.

6, 7, 8 Other
Simple Audio/Video Recorder OTT-o-matic Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/18/2024
Expires: 04/18/2027
Sketchup for Schools's Logo Sketchup for Schools
Privacy Policy
Trimble Inc. Approved
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Instructional Technology, Science, Visual Performing Arts, Computer Science
Sketchup for Schools's Logo Sketchup for Schools
Privacy Policy
Trimble Inc. Approved
5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, World Language, Computer Science
Slack's Logo Slack Slack Not Approved Declined
11, 12 Social Science
Slide-Slide-GIF OTT-o-matic Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/18/2024
Expires: 04/18/2027
Slides Carnival
Privacy Policy
Slides Carnival Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: targeted advertising
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Slides Randomizer's Logo Slides Randomizer OTT-o-matic Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/18/2024
Expires: 04/18/2027
Slides Translator's Logo Slides Translator Automagical Apps Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/13/2024
Expires: 03/13/2027
9, 10, 11, 12 Science Data List
Slidesgo - Free version Freepik Company, S.L. Not Approved Declined
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Slidesmania Slidesmania Approved
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Slip-in-Slide's Logo Slip-in-Slide
Privacy Policy
OTT-o-matic Approved Agreement
Approved: 04/18/2024
Expires: 04/18/2027
Slooh's Logo Slooh
Privacy Policy
Slooh Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/25/2024
Expires: 04/25/2027
9, 10, 11, 12 Science
SLP Toolkit's Logo SLP Toolkit
Privacy Policy
SLP Toolkit, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/13/2022
Expires: 07/13/2025
K,1,2,3,4,5 SPED Data List
Smore's Logo Smore
Privacy Policy
Smore Not Approved
K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Other Data List
Snap Core First Full Tobii Dynavox LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/19/2024
Expires: 01/19/2027
SNAP Health Center's Logo SNAP Health Center Professional Software for Nurses, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/16/2024
Expires: 01/16/2027
Data List
SnapType's Logo SnapType SnapType, LLC Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No PII or data collected.

K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Science
Snorkl's Logo Snorkl
Privacy Policy
Snorkl, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/19/2024
Expires: 08/19/2027
6, 7, 8 Educational Technology
Socrative's Logo Socrative
Purpose: Purpose: For AP Psychology Grading and Discussion.

Privacy Policy
Showbie Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/18/2024
Expires: 06/18/2027
Data List
Privacy Policy
SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 11/06/2022
Expires: 11/06/2025
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Soundtrap for Education's Logo Soundtrap for Education
Privacy Policy
Soundtrap US Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/27/2022
Expires: 05/27/2025
6,7,8 Visual Performing Arts Data List
SpanishDict's Logo SpanishDict
Privacy Policy
Curiosity Media, Inc.
With the Following Restrictions: Vendor has shared with districts that they are not willing to sign a DPA. Not Approved
7, 8 World Language
Sphero Edu's Logo Sphero Edu
Privacy Policy
Sphero, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/13/2022
Expires: 09/13/2025
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Math, Computer Science Data List
SplashLearn's Logo SplashLearn
Purpose: To be used as a Math supplement in the classroom and at home

Privacy Policy
StudyPad, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/19/2022
Expires: 07/19/2025
Data List
Spoken - Tap to Talk AAC
Privacy Policy
Spoken Inc. Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Company claims they do not collect any PII.

PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
sportsYou's Logo sportsYou
Privacy Policy
sportsYou Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/14/2022
Expires: 09/14/2025
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
ST Math 's Logo ST Math
Privacy Policy
MIND Research Institute Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/13/2024
Expires: 03/13/2027
Data List
STAMP Assessment Avant Assessment LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 08/15/2022
Expires: 08/15/2025
Starfall's Logo Starfall
Privacy Policy
Starfall Education Foundation Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/16/2024
Expires: 08/16/2027
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts Data List
Privacy Policy
Student Television Network (dba STN) Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Approved for teacher use only. No use by students under the age of 18.

9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Stock Market Game's Logo Stock Market Game
Privacy Policy
SIFMA Foundation Approved
6, 7, 8 Social Science
Stop Motion Studio's Logo Stop Motion Studio
Privacy Policy
Cateater, LLC Approved
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Stop, Breathe & Think's Logo Stop, Breathe & Think
Privacy Policy
Stop, Breathe & Think, PBC Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Thank you for your follow-up regarding the Massachusetts DPA. Ever since we signed the New Hampshire DPA, our company has rebranded from Stop, Breathe & Think to MyLife and has created a web-based product specifically for schools. We do not sign on to district privacy contracts any more for the app, given that we built a product just for schools with student data privacy in mind.
6, 7, 8 Other
Storyboard That's Logo Storyboard That
Privacy Policy
Clever Prototypes, LLC
With the Following DPA Restrictions: Vendor is now saying that they will not sign a DPA for this software. Not Approved
Exhibit E
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Library Media, Math, Science, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, World Language, Computer Science
Storyboard That's Logo Storyboard That
Privacy Policy
Clever Prototypes, LLC Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Storyboard That will no longer signed DPAs for their free product. They have signed the DPA for their paid product.
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, World Language, Computer Science
StoryGraph The StoryGraph Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Company declined to sign the DPA.
6, 7, 8 English Language Arts
StoryJumper's Logo StoryJumper
Privacy Policy
StoryJumper, Inc. Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: This DPA covers educational accounts created under the school's domain. It does not cover personal accounts created at home by families.
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/20/2022
Expires: 08/20/2025
Data List
Storyline Online's Logo Storyline Online
Privacy Policy
SAG-AFTRA Foundation Approved
6, 7, 8 Other
Streamer Streamer Approved Agreement
Approved: 02/06/2024
Expires: 02/06/2027
Study Jams Scholastic, Inc. Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Science
Privacy Policy
Hands Up Education Community Interest Company Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/27/2022
Expires: 09/27/2025
9,10,11,12 World Language
Super Duper Digital Library's Logo Super Duper Digital Library Super Duper Inc. Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Other
Super Duper Publications's Logo Super Duper Publications Super Duper Inc. Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Other
Super Teacher Worksheets's Logo Super Teacher Worksheets
Privacy Policy
Super Teacher Worksheets Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Approved for Teacher Use Only; No student use and no student PII collected.

9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Science, SPED
Sutori's Logo NewSutori
Privacy Policy
HSTRY Approved Agreement
Approved: 12/31/2024
Expires: 12/31/2027
Data List
Sway Medical's Logo Sway Medical
Purpose: Athletics
Sway Medical Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/02/2023
Expires: 03/22/2026
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Swivl's Logo Swivl
Privacy Policy
Swivl Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/04/2022
Expires: 03/04/2025
Data List
Symbaloo's Logo Symbaloo Symbaloo Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/14/2023
Expires: 12/14/2026
Data List
Synth's Logo Synth
Privacy Policy
Swivl Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/04/2022
Expires: 03/04/2025
Data List
SysCloud Security's Logo SysCloud Security SysCloud, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/05/2023
Expires: 10/05/2026
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other Data List
Tab Resize Peter Shin Approved
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
TalentEd's Logo TalentEd
Privacy Policy
PowerSchool Group LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 09/14/2018
TalkAbroad TalkAbroad, Inc. Approved Agreement
Approved: 02/16/2023
Expires: 02/16/2026
TalkingPoints's Logo TalkingPoints
Privacy Policy
TalkingPoints Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/01/2024
Expires: 02/01/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other Data List
TeacherEase's Logo TeacherEase Common Goal Systems Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/20/2023
Expires: 03/20/2026
6,7,8 Other Data List
Teachers Pay Teachers's Logo Teachers Pay Teachers
Purpose: Typically students would not need a username, but parents may want to access this to access free resources on this site (for SLP resources, or academic activities). I could not find an email or phone number but this is their contact page: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Contact

Privacy Policy
Teacher Synergy LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/13/2023
Expires: 08/13/2026
K,1,2,3,4,5 English Language Arts Data List
Teachers' Curriculum Institute (TCI)'s Logo Teachers' Curriculum Institute (TCI)
Purpose: Online content to support Social Studies curriculum. Only used by teachers. No student accounts or PII exchanged.

Privacy Policy
Teachers' Curriculum Institute Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/28/2023
Expires: 04/28/2026
4 Social Science
Teaching Strategies's Logo Teaching Strategies
Purpose: Reading Support in area of Fluency with data collection for teachers.

Privacy Policy
Teaching Strategies, LLC Approved Agreement
Approved: 11/04/2024
Expires: 11/04/2027
Data List
Teachtci.com's Logo Teachtci.com Teachers' Curriculum Institute Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No student data collected; only used by staff

6, 7, 8 Social Science
Teams for Education repl.it Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Replit has discontinued this product.
Teams for Education repl.it Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Replit has discontinued this product.
TeamViewer's Logo TeamViewer Team Viewer Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Unfortunately we may not consider drafts provided by our Customers due to a large number of requests.
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
The Social Express's Logo The Social Express
Purpose: Use with students for speech and language sessions.
Brighten Learning Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/18/2022
Expires: 08/18/2025
K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Other
The Writing Machine's Logo The Writing Machine Hump Software Approved Agreement
Approved: 08/19/2024
Expires: 08/19/2027
Theraplatform's Logo Theraplatform Theraplatform Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: We do not sign any DPA documents. We sign a BAA with all of our paid subscribers
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
ThoughtExchange's Logo ThoughtExchange
Purpose: District Survey Tool

Privacy Policy
Fulcrum Management Solutions Ltd Approved Agreement
Approved: 09/10/2024
Expires: 09/10/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Thunkable Thunkable Not Approved Declined
6, 7, 8 Computer Science
Tinkercad's Logo Tinkercad
Privacy Policy
Autodesk, Inc.
With the Following Restrictions: We cannot sign your privacy agreement. We are unable to accept individual customer privacy policies. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: We cannot sign your privacy agreement. We are unable to accept individual customer privacy policies.
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Educational Technology, Computer Science
Tinkercad Classroom's Logo Tinkercad Classroom Autodesk, Inc. Approved
With the Following Restrictions: With the Following LEA-Specific Restrictions: A single Classroom Code must be used and students cannot create accounts.

6, 7, 8 Science, Computer Science
Toby Launch Labs, Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor Response: As a Canadian corporation, we are not subject to FERPA, COPPA, or other US-based laws and regulations and we are not comfortable signing a document that contractually obligates us to comply with those laws and regulations. While we take data privacy seriously and are following industry best practices, it would require some work to become FERPA or COPPA compliant.
9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Tonara Tonara Not Approved Declined
4, 5, 6, 8 Visual Performing Arts
Tools of the Mind Tools of the Mind Approved Agreement
Approved: 05/06/2024
Expires: 05/06/2027
K English Language Arts,Math,Science,Social Science,Other
Tools to Grow
Privacy Policy
Tools to Grow, Inc Approved
Approved: 11/09/2020 K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Toon Boom's Logo Toon Boom Toon Boom Animation Inc. Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No login required; no data collected.

9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
TouchChat's Logo TouchChat
Privacy Policy
PRC-Saltillo Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/29/2022
Expires: 08/29/2025
Data List
Privacy Policy
TradingView Inc Not Approved Declined
9, 10, 11, 12 Social Science
Purpose: Grades 6 - 8 curriculum

Privacy Policy
Trinket Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/16/2024
Expires: 01/16/2027
9, 10, 11, 12 Science, Computer Science
Turnitin's Logo Turnitin Turnitin LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/25/2024
Expires: 04/25/2027
9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Math, Science, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, World Language, SPED Data List
Tynker's Logo Tynker
Privacy Policy
Tynker Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/26/2022
Expires: 10/26/2025
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Computer Science
Type To Learn's Logo Type To Learn Sunburst Digital, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/25/2022
Expires: 07/25/2025
Data List
Typing Pal
Privacy Policy
Druide informatique inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/08/2023
Expires: 02/08/2026
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Educational Technology, Other, SPED
Typing.com's Logo Typing.com
Privacy Policy
Teaching.com Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: The free version of Typing.com no longer complies with the DPA. Approved: Paid Plus addition only.
Data List
TypingClub School Edition Pro's Logo TypingClub School Edition Pro
Privacy Policy
EdClub, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/02/2022
Expires: 02/02/2025
3,4,5 Educational Technology,Other Data List
uBlock Origin's Logo uBlock Origin
Privacy Policy
GitHub, Inc. Approved
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
UltimateSLP's Logo UltimateSLP UltimateSLP Approved
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Unite for Literacy's Logo Unite for Literacy Unite for Literacy Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No student data collected.

PK, K English Language Arts
Units of Study
Purpose: Units of Study is a results-oriented, research-based workshop curriculum in reading and writing
Heinemann Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/18/2024
Expires: 12/18/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts
Unity 3D's Logo Unity 3D
Purpose: There is am video game design course offered next year and the teacher wishes to use this software.
Unity Technologies Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: We do not collect data (nor do we want data) that would be subject to COPPA, FERPA, PPRA, or IDEA.
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts, Computer Science
Unreal Engine's Logo Unreal Engine Epic Games, Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Company shares PII publicly.
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts, Computer Science
Unsplash Unsplash Not Approved Declined
9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Purpose: To purchase a 10 student credits for 179.99 for testing

Privacy Policy
Data Makes the Difference, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/08/2023
Expires: 02/08/2026
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Venngage's Logo Venngage
Privacy Policy
Venngage Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/02/2022
Expires: 03/02/2025
Data List
Vernier Graphical Analysis (No Student Accounts) Vernier Graphical Analysis Approved
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Math, Science
Vex Code VR's Logo Vex Code VR VEX Robotics Approved
4 Science, Computer Science
Vexcode V5 Chrome Ext's Logo Vexcode V5 Chrome Ext VEX Robotics Approved
6, 7, 8 Science, Computer Science
VideoLearningSquad VideoLearning Squad Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/10/2023
Expires: 08/10/2026
K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 SPED
Vocabulary.com (Educators Edition)'s Logo Vocabulary.com (Educators Edition) Thinkmap, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/09/2024
Expires: 07/09/2027
7, 8 English Language Arts
VoceVista VoceVista Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No data collected; adult use only.

9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Voicethread's Logo Voicethread
Privacy Policy
Voicethread Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/07/2022
Expires: 02/07/2025
6,7,8 Social Science Data List
w3schools (No Student Accounts) Refsnes Data Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Do not create student accounts. Do not transfer student PII.

9, 10, 11, 12 Computer Science
Wakelet's Logo Wakelet
Privacy Policy
Wakelet Limited Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/21/2022
Expires: 01/21/2025
Data List
Wall Street Journal's Logo Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal Approved
Approved: 12/14/2020 9, 10, 11, 12 Library Media
Webtime Tracker Dlouha/Peta Sittek Approved
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
WeWillWrite's Logo WeWillWrite
Privacy Policy
WeWillWrite Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/12/2024
Expires: 12/12/2027
7 English Language Arts
WGBH Passport Subscription
Purpose: Performing Arts
WGBH Passport Subscription Approved
Approved: 11/09/2020 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Privacy Policy
Whitsons Food Service Corp. d/b/a/ Witsons Culinary Group Approved Agreement
Whooo's Reading's Logo Whooo's Reading
Privacy Policy
Savvas Learning Company LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/25/2022
Expires: 01/25/2025
3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 English Language Arts Data List
Word Art WordArt.com Approved
With the Following Restrictions: With the Following Restrictions: OK to use without creating student accounts. Transfer no PII.

K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Wordpress's Logo Wordpress Wordpress Not Approved Declined
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Wordwall's Logo Wordwall
Privacy Policy
Wordwall Approved Agreement
Approved: 08/29/2022
Expires: 08/29/2025
K,1,2,3,4,5 English Language Arts Data List
World Book's Logo World Book
Privacy Policy
World Book Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/20/2022
Expires: 01/20/2025
Data List
WPS Online Evaluation System's Logo WPS Online Evaluation System
Purpose: Assessments
WPS Publishing LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/26/2022
Expires: 08/26/2025
Data List
Writing Wizard's Logo Writing Wizard
Privacy Policy
L'Escapadou Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: No student data collected.

PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Other
xTab xTab Approved
9, 10, 11, 12 Other
XtraMath Basic (free)'s Logo XtraMath Basic (free)
Privacy Policy
XtraMath Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: XtraMath will no longer sign DPAs for its free program.
Yabla's Logo Yabla
Privacy Policy
Yabla, Inc Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/19/2022
Expires: 07/19/2025
Data List
Yoto: Music, Stories, Sleep
Privacy Policy
Yoto Limited Approved
With the Following Restrictions: No data collected.

PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 English Language Arts, Library Media, SPED
Yousician Yousician Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Only used by teacher for demonstration purposes.

Visual Performing Arts
Zearn (Paid School Account)'s Logo Zearn (Paid School Account)
Privacy Policy
Zearn Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/04/2024
Expires: 09/04/2027
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Math Data List
Zero Avenue The Zero Avenue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: App allows users to publicly post comments and content.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Library Media, Social Science
ZipGrade's Logo ZipGrade
Privacy Policy
ZipGrade LLC. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/21/2024
Expires: 08/21/2027
10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED Data List
Ziteboard Ziteboard Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: We're sorry to inform you that we'll not sign the agreement.
9, 10, 11, 12 Visual Performing Arts
Zooniverse's Logo Zooniverse Citizens Science Alliance
With the Following Restrictions: Declined Reasoning: Vendor Response: I'm afraid we cannot sign this document. I can assure you we handle the privacy of all our user data very seriously. I hope you this does not put you and your pupils off from helping on our projects. Not Approved
9, 10, 11, 12 Social Science