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Lafayette Central School District | Lafayette, NY | United States | Website
District Admin: Sean Zehner | Email

Logo Software Name Agreement Status Agreement Type Agreement Dates Grade Level Content Area Data
Aktivate Active Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2026
BIMAS-2 Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System Active Approved: 05/30/2023
Expires: 05/30/2026
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Castle Learning Active Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2026
Cengage Learning Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 07/01/2024
Expires: 06/30/2025
Digital Theatre Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2024
EBSCO Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 05/24/2024
Expires: 06/24/2025
Encyclopedia Britannica Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 07/01/2024
Expires: 06/30/2025
ExploreLearning, LLC/Gizmos Active Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2026
HUDL Active Approved: 06/01/2024
Expires: 08/31/2024
Insignia Software Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2025
Legends of Learning Active Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2026
ML Schedules Active Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2026
Mosaic by Heartland Active Approved: 05/01/2024
Expires: 06/30/2025
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Naviance Active Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2026
News-O-Matic for School Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 07/01/2024
Expires: 06/30/2025
NewsBank (Does not use student data) Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2024
Newsela ELA Active Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2026
NoodleTools Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 08/01/2024
Expires: 08/01/2025
OverDrive: eBooks & audiobooks Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 06/24/2024
Expires: 06/30/2025
ParentSquare Active Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2026
Raptor Technologies Active Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2026
Scholastic Digital Manager Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2025
Scholastic Library Publishing Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2025
SchoolTool Active Approved: 08/24/2020
Expires: 08/24/2027
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Swank Digital Streaming k-12 Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2024
TeachingBooks Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2024
World Book Active NYS Consortium DPA Approved: 07/01/2023
Expires: 06/30/2024

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