Online Resources

Status Key

Approved: Contract is signed and resource is in use.
Approved w/ Guardian Release
: Guardians signed a contract to allow a resource to be used in a specific classroom with a specific group of students.
Not Approved: Vendor was unable to sign the contract and, therefore, teachers are not allowed to use the resource with students.
Renewal Pending: District has an active agreement that will expire soon and they are in the process to renew with the vendor.
Did Not Pursue: District determined that the resource does not align with educational goals, therefore, teachers are not allowed to use the resource with students.
View Research DPAs
  Resource Name Company Name Agreement Status Agreement Type Agreement Dates Grade Level Content Area Data
ACCESS for ELLs's Logo ACCESS for ELLs
Justification: State Requirement
FERPA Exception: School Official, Audit/Evaluation

Privacy Policy
WIDA Approved USBE Statewide Agreement
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Purpose: Aspire is the State of Utah's Student Information System (SIS). Local Education Agencies (LEAs) have the option to use Aspire as their SIS. The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) maintains a team of programmers and technical support staff to develop and maintain the Aspire application
Justification: Local
FERPA Exception: School official

Privacy Policy
USBE Approved Self-Hosted
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 English Language Arts, Health, Instructional Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Canvas's Logo Canvas
Purpose: Learning Management System
Justification: Local
FERPA Exception: School Official

Privacy Policy
Instructure Approved UETN Statewide Agreement
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 English Language Arts, Math
Delta Math's Logo Delta Math
Purpose: Practice problems for math class
Justification: Local Decision
FERPA Exception: School Official

Privacy Policy
Delta Math Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/31/2022
Expires: 10/31/2025
7 Math
DLM (Dynamic Learning Maps)/KITE's Logo DLM (Dynamic Learning Maps)/KITE
Justification: Federal Requirement, State Requirement
FERPA Exception: School Official, Audit/Evaluation
USBE Approved USBE Statewide Agreement
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Google Classroom's Logo Google Classroom
Purpose: Google Classroom is a free application designed to help students and teachers communicate, collaborate, organize and manage assignments, go paperless, and much more.
Justification: Local
FERPA Exception: School Official

Privacy Policy
Google Approved In Use/No Agreement
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, Computer Science
Google Workspace for Education's Logo Google Workspace for Education
Purpose: Google Workspace is an innovative and flexible solution that helps people and organisations increase productivity, communication and collaboration like no other. It brings together the resources that companies need to face current and future challenges, being composed of a wide set of applications.
Justification: Local
FERPA Exception: Official

Privacy Policy
Google Approved In Use/No Agreement
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, Computer Science
Kids Read Now's Logo Kids Read Now
Purpose: Mail four books per student as part of contract (UDSBE 230045CT) between Kids Read Now and USBE. Key deliverable: Mail to student homes directly, at least four (4) self-selected books to participating K-3 students as identified by their LEA. Kids Read Now will procure, prepare, and mail to families (via UPS) these self-selected books to each home, to encourage parents to read-to (and with) their children, and discuss their books. More information about Kids Read Now is available at:
Justification: Local Decision
FERPA Exception: School Official

Privacy Policy
KIDS Read Now, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/16/2023
Expires: 03/15/2026
K, 1, 2, 3 English Language Arts, Library Media Data List
NoRedInk's Logo NoRedInk
Purpose: Assist with grammar teaching. Help students prepare for school testing

Privacy Policy
NoRedInk Corp. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/11/2022
Expires: 02/11/2025
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 English Language Arts, Other Data List
Raz-Plus's Logo Raz-Plus
Purpose: Would like to use as a learning tool for the kids in our school.
Justification: Local Decision
FERPA Exception: School Official

Privacy Policy
Learning A-Z, LLC Approved
With the Following Restrictions: None
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/30/2019
Expires: 10/30/2026
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 English Language Arts, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Social Science, SPED Data List
Purpose: Testing
Justification: State Requirement
FERPA Exception: School official
American Institutes for Research Approved USBE Statewide Agreement
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 English Language Arts, Math, Science
UTREx's Logo UTREx
Purpose: The UTREx/Data Clearinghouse gathers and stores student data throughout the year for exchanging student records and for reporting at the local, state, and national levels. Many of the student data elements collected through the UTREx data submissions are used in funding formulas for Minimum Schools Program (MSP).
Justification: State Requirement
FERPA Exception: Audit or Evaluation

Privacy Policy
Utah State Board of Education Approved USBE Statewide Agreement
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Other
Zearn (Paid School Account)'s Logo Zearn (Paid School Account)
Purpose: Digital visual math curriculum
Justification: Local Decision
FERPA Exception: School Official

Privacy Policy
Zearn Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/12/2020
Expires: 06/12/2025
4, 5 Math Data List