Approved Instructional Technology

Status Key

Approved: Contract is signed and resource is in use.
Approved w/ Guardian Release
: Guardians signed a contract to allow a resource to be used in a specific classroom with a specific group of students.
Not Approved: Vendor was unable to sign the contract and, therefore, teachers are not allowed to use the resource with students.
Renewal Pending: District has an active agreement that will expire soon and they are in the process to renew with the vendor.
Did Not Pursue: District determined that the resource does not align with educational goals, therefore, teachers are not allowed to use the resource with students.
  Resource Name Company Name Agreement Status Agreement Type Agreement Dates Grade Level Content Area Data
99Math's Logo 99Math 99Math Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/30/2023
Expires: 03/30/2026
Achieve3000 Actively Learn's Logo Achieve3000 Actively Learn McGraw Hill Education Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/08/2024
Expires: 08/08/2027
6, 7, 8 Math Data List
All HMH's Logo NewAll HMH Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/18/2026
Expires: 08/18/2026
Data List
Amplified Labs: Little SIS, Gopher, Gator, Event-o-Matic, Local Hero, Centipede's Logo Amplified Labs: Little SIS, Gopher, Gator, Event-o-Matic, Local Hero, Centipede
Privacy Policy
Amplified IT, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/06/2022
Expires: 05/06/2025
ASPEN Student Information System's Logo ASPEN Student Information System
Purpose: Student Information System
Follett School Solutions, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/01/2024
Expires: 04/01/2027
Data List
Banzai!'s Logo Banzai!
Purpose: This is an interactive budgeting module, game, and pre/post-test sponsored by Sharon Credit Union. We've been using it for years in Personal Finance.

Privacy Policy
Banzai, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/16/2022
Expires: 08/16/2025
Blockly for Dash and Dot's Logo Blockly for Dash and Dot
Privacy Policy
Wonder Workshop, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/17/2024
Expires: 04/17/2027
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Educational Technology, Computer Science Data List
Blocksi's Logo Blocksi Blocksi, Inc Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/08/2022
Expires: 06/08/2025
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education
Blooket's Logo Blooket
Privacy Policy
Blooket LLC. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/18/2023
Expires: 08/18/2026
Bloxels Edu's Logo Bloxels Edu
Privacy Policy
Pixel Press Technology, LLC Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: Teachers must use the EDU Hub to control sharing features. Sharing is only permitted within the school's domain.
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/23/2024
Expires: 04/23/2027
Data List
Book Creator's Logo Book Creator
Privacy Policy
Tools for Schools Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/06/2024
Expires: 02/06/2027
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education, Visual Performing Arts, Social Science, Other, World Language, Computer Science, Career Technical Education, SPED
Book Widgets's Logo Book Widgets Book Widgets/Kidimeida Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/13/2023
Expires: 12/13/2026
Data List
Boom Learning and Boom Cards's Logo Boom Learning and Boom Cards
Purpose: Fun, interactive, educator-created flashcard activities for children to use.

Privacy Policy
Boom Learning Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/28/2023
Expires: 09/28/2026
Breakout Edu's Logo Breakout Edu
Privacy Policy
Breakout Edu Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/29/2022
Expires: 04/29/2025
Brisk Teaching's Logo Brisk Teaching
Privacy Policy
Brisk Labs Corp. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/23/2023
Expires: 09/23/2026
Canva for Education's Logo Canva for Education
Privacy Policy
Canva PTY LTD. Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: Only SSO enabled accounts are covered under this DPA.
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/14/2024
Expires: 01/14/2027
CapCut's Logo CapCut Bytedance Pte. Ltd. Not Approved Declined
Cengage Learning's Logo Cengage Learning
Privacy Policy
Cengage Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/31/2023
Expires: 08/31/2026
Data List
Cengage Online Learning Platforms, eTextbooks and Digital Tools's Logo Cengage Online Learning Platforms, eTextbooks and Digital Tools Cengage Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/31/2023
Expires: 08/31/2026
Data List
Checkology's Logo Checkology
Purpose: Teaching information and news literacy.

Privacy Policy
The News Literacy Project Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/13/2024
Expires: 03/13/2027
Data List
Chrome Gopher Amplified IT, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/06/2022
Expires: 05/06/2025
CK-12's Logo CK-12
Privacy Policy
CK-12 Foundation Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/30/2023
Expires: 08/30/2026
ClassCraft (Ed)'s Logo NewClassCraft (Ed)
Purpose: The purpose of this platform is to help increase student engagement inside the classroom. This resource would align with resources in google classroom. This would also be an interactive way to encourage social emotional learning and growth inside the classroom and to increase alignment with responsive classroom. This tool would help to streamline classroom management. It would facilitate building a cooperative classroom environment using a game based framework. This would be a way to reward positive student behavior through an incentive based platform that it not food based or rooted in sticker, tokens or other physical objects.

Privacy Policy
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/18/2026
Expires: 08/18/2026
Data List
ClassDojo's Logo ClassDojo
Privacy Policy
ClassDojo, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/26/2020
Expires: 05/26/2026
2 Other
Clever's Logo Clever
Privacy Policy
Clever Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/27/2022
Expires: 04/27/2025
Clipchamp Microsoft Corporation Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Microsoft claims that no PII is transferred through use of this extension.

Co:Writer's Logo Co:Writer
Privacy Policy
Texthelp Ltd. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/17/2023
Expires: 11/17/2026's Logo
Privacy Policy Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: cannot delete an individual student's data. The teacher must create a new section, move the student(s) into the new section and request to delete the entire section.
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/06/2023
Expires: 07/06/2026
Common Sense Media's Logo Common Sense Media
Privacy Policy
Common Sense Media Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/18/2022
Expires: 07/18/2025
CommonLit's Logo CommonLit
Privacy Policy
CommonLit Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/18/2023
Expires: 09/18/2026
English Language Arts
Curipod's Logo Curipod
Privacy Policy
Curipod Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/27/2023
Expires: 03/27/2026
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 English Language Arts, Educational Technology, Library Media, Math, Science, Physical Education
Delta Math's Logo Delta Math
Purpose: Practice problems for math class

Privacy Policy
Delta Math Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/08/2022
Expires: 11/08/2025
Data List
Desmos's Logo Desmos
Privacy Policy
Desmos, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/30/2022
Expires: 08/30/2025
Data List
Dogo News/Books/Movies's Logo Dogo News/Books/Movies Dogo Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/26/2022
Expires: 10/25/2025
Purpose: Software Company the helps learning applications integrate with learning management systems.
Edlink Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/28/2024
Expires: 05/28/2027
9, 10, 11, 12 World Language
Epic!'s Logo Epic!
Privacy Policy
Epic Creations, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/13/2023
Expires: 07/13/2026
FigJam's Logo FigJam
Purpose: An approved alternative to Google's Jamboard which will reture in 2024.

Privacy Policy
Figma, Inc. Not Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Formative's Logo Formative
Privacy Policy
Newsela Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/29/2022
Expires: 12/29/2025
Gimkit's Logo Gimkit
Purpose: Study / Flashcards

Privacy Policy
Gimkit Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/15/2022
Expires: 06/15/2025
Gizmo Science's Logo Gizmo Science
Privacy Policy
ExploreLearning, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/29/2024
Expires: 03/29/2027
Data List
Gizmos's Logo Gizmos
Privacy Policy
ExploreLearning, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/29/2024
Expires: 03/29/2027
Data List
GMetrix's Logo NewGMetrix
Privacy Policy
GMetrix Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/05/2025
Expires: 03/05/2028
Go for Dash and Dot Robots's Logo Go for Dash and Dot Robots
Privacy Policy
Sunburst Digital, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/16/2024
Expires: 04/16/2027
Hello History's Logo Hello History
Privacy Policy
FACING IT International AB Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/14/2023
Expires: 03/14/2026
HMH Reads (Ed)'s Logo NewHMH Reads (Ed)
Privacy Policy
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/18/2026
Expires: 08/18/2026
Data List
How the Market Works's Logo How the Market Works
Purpose: We use this stock market simulation in Personal Finance because it is the only simulation that allows us to select the parameters for timeframe. All others require us to follow pre-set time periods that don't fit with the sequence of our course.

Privacy Policy
Stock-Trak Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/11/2023
Expires: 01/11/2026
9, 10, 11, 12 Other Data List
Privacy Policy
FACING IT International AB Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/14/2024
Expires: 02/14/2027
iCEV's Logo iCEV
Privacy Policy
CEV Multimedia, LLC. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/04/2022
Expires: 08/04/2025
iCivics's Logo iCivics
Privacy Policy
iCivics, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/16/2023
Expires: 10/16/2040
Immersive Reader Chrome Ext. Microsoft Corporation Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Microsoft claims that no PII is transferred through use of this extension.

Kahoot!'s Logo Kahoot!
Privacy Policy
Kahoot! Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/11/2023
Expires: 12/11/2026
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
Kami's Logo Kami
Privacy Policy
Kami Limited Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/06/2023
Expires: 06/06/2026
Knowt's Logo Knowt
Privacy Policy
Knowt, Inc Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/21/2022
Expires: 09/21/2025
MathFactLab's Logo MathFactLab
Privacy Policy
Oakledge Mathematics Consulting Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/02/2022
Expires: 12/02/2025
K, 1, 2, 3, 4 Math
Micro:bit's Logo Micro:bit Microsoft Corporation Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Microsoft claims that no PII is transferred through use of this extension.

Micro:bit's Logo Micro:bit Microsoft Corporation Approved
With the Following Restrictions: Microsoft claims that no PII is transferred through use of this extension.

Microsoft's Logo Microsoft
Privacy Policy
Microsoft Corporation Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/08/2022
Expires: 06/08/2025
Minecraft Education's Logo Minecraft Education
Privacy Policy
Microsoft Corporation Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/08/2022
Expires: 06/08/2025
Musicca's Logo Musicca Musicca Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/20/2023
Expires: 03/20/2026
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other
MyPath Imagine Learning LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/22/2024
Expires: 04/22/2027
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Math, Science, Social Science, World Language, Computer Science
News2You's Logo News2You
Privacy Policy
n2y, LLC. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/05/2024
Expires: 07/05/2027
Data List
Nitro Type's Logo Nitro Type
Privacy Policy Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Nitro Type allows students to game with strangers outside of the school's domain. Nitro Type uses targeted advertising.
Exhibit E
NoRedInk's Logo NoRedInk
Privacy Policy
NoRedInk Corp. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/02/2024
Expires: 05/02/2027
Data List
NoRedInk's Logo NoRedInk
Privacy Policy
NoRedInk Corp. Approved Agreement
Approved: 05/02/2024
Expires: 05/02/2027
Data List
Novel Effect: Read Aloud Books's Logo Novel Effect: Read Aloud Books
Privacy Policy
Novel Effect Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/10/2022
Expires: 11/10/2025
Padlet's Logo Padlet
Privacy Policy
WallWisher, Inc. dba Padlet Approved Agreement
Approved: 10/12/2023
Expires: 10/12/2026
Padlet's Logo Padlet
Privacy Policy
WallWisher, Inc. dba Padlet Approved Agreement
Approved: 10/12/2023
Expires: 10/12/2026
PebbleGo's Logo PebbleGo
Purpose: We have already purchased this for use in our K-5 schools. We need a DPA to begin using it.

Privacy Policy
PebbleGo by Capstone Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/07/2022
Expires: 04/07/2025
Pixlr for Education's Logo Pixlr for Education Inmagine Lab PTE. LTD. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/28/2022
Expires: 12/28/2025
Data List
Prezi's Logo Prezi
Purpose: Presentation software that uses motion, zoom, and spatial relationships to bring your ideas to life and make you a great presenter

Privacy Policy
Prezi Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/19/2023
Expires: 12/19/2026
9, 10, 11, 12 English Language Arts, Health, Library Media, Science, Social Science, Other, World Language, Career Technical Education
Proloquo2go's Logo Proloquo2go
Privacy Policy
AssistiveWare B.V. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/27/2022
Expires: 04/27/2025
Quizizz's Logo Quizizz
Privacy Policy
Quizizz Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/26/2023
Expires: 07/26/2026
Read&Write for Google's Logo Read&Write for Google
Privacy Policy
Texthelp Ltd. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/17/2023
Expires: 11/17/2026
Data List
ReadWorks's Logo ReadWorks
Purpose: We need this for students while remote learning.

Privacy Policy
ReadWorks, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/03/2024
Expires: 01/03/2027
JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Realize's Logo Realize
Purpose: Online math resources for Investigations curriculum.

Privacy Policy
Savvas Learning Company LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/01/2022
Expires: 04/01/2025
Math Data List
SchoolAI's Logo SchoolAI
Privacy Policy
SchoolAI Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/02/2024
Expires: 01/02/2027
Science Buddies's Logo Science Buddies
Privacy Policy
Science Buddies Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Vendor refused to sign the DPA.

Speakable's Logo Speakable
Privacy Policy
Speakable Technologies, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/11/2023
Expires: 09/11/2026
Sphero Edu's Logo Sphero Edu
Privacy Policy
Sphero, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/13/2022
Expires: 09/13/2025
Storyboard That (Paid Version)'s Logo Storyboard That (Paid Version)
Privacy Policy
Clever Prototypes, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/22/2024
Expires: 01/22/2027
StoryJumper's Logo StoryJumper
Privacy Policy
StoryJumper, Inc. Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: This DPA covers educational accounts created under the school's domain. It does not cover personal accounts created at home by families.
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/20/2022
Expires: 08/20/2025
Data List
Study Sync's Logo Study Sync McGraw Hill Education Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/08/2024
Expires: 08/08/2027
6, 7, 8 Math's Logo
Privacy Policy Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/09/2022
Expires: 08/09/2025
Data List
TeacherMade's Logo TeacherMade Teacher Made Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/15/2023
Expires: 09/15/2026
Teachers Pay Teachers's Logo Teachers Pay Teachers
Purpose: Typically students would not need a username, but parents may want to access this to access free resources on this site (for SLP resources, or academic activities). I could not find an email or phone number but this is their contact page:

Privacy Policy
Teacher Synergy LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/13/2023
Expires: 08/13/2026
Data List
ThingLink's Logo ThingLink
Privacy Policy
Thinglink Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/01/2022
Expires: 06/01/2025
Purpose: Grades 6 - 8 curriculum

Privacy Policy
Trinket Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/16/2024
Expires: 01/16/2027
Ultimaker Cura's Logo Ultimaker Cura Ultimaker Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: Ultimaker claims that all data is housed locally if districts disable the "Send (anonymous) print information" under General Preference/Privacy. For this reason, they will not renew the DPA as they do not receive PII.

Unity Game Programming's Logo Unity Game Programming
Privacy Policy
CompuScholar Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/18/2022
Expires: 05/18/2025
9, 10, 11, 12 Career Technical Education (Educators Edition)'s Logo (Educators Edition) Thinkmap, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/09/2024
Expires: 07/09/2027
7, 8 English Language Arts
WeVideo's Logo WeVideo
Privacy Policy
WeVideo, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/10/2024
Expires: 05/10/2027
Wizer.Me's Logo Wizer.Me Wizer.Me Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/17/2023
Expires: 12/16/2026
Wonders 's Logo Wonders
Purpose: Connects classroom to core standards, inspiring literature and the world with a comprehensive literacy program.

Privacy Policy
McGraw Hill Education Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/08/2024
Expires: 08/08/2027
6, 7, 8 Math
Wordwall's Logo Wordwall
Privacy Policy
Wordwall Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/29/2022
Expires: 08/29/2025
Zoom's Logo Zoom
Privacy Policy
Zoom Video Communications, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/07/2023
Expires: 10/07/2026