MSAD 75 Teaching Tools and Digital Curriculum Materials

MSAD 75 is a Google Workspace for Education customer, and we are subject to abide by their use policies. In October 2023, Google made a substantial change to accounts belonging to minors under the age of 18: by default, minor-owned accounts are no longer able to access unapproved third-party applications. For an application to be approved at MSAD 75, it must have a student data privacy agreement on file and have been reviewed and approved by either the MSAD 75 Curriculum Committee (for general education materials) or by the Special Services department (for special education materials).

This list is “living” and will be updated frequently as requests are processed. The list contains application titles that have been approved, pending requests, and application titles that have not been approved. The district has attempted to provide as much information as possible on every record explaining why an app may or may not have been approved to help educate MSAD 75 staff and parents/guardians.

If you would like to request a new application for classroom use, or request that an application be re-reviewed, please submit a ticket through Incident IQ. Select New Ticket > Other Requests > New Software Request to create your request. You will be prompted to fill out a form during this process, and upon completion your request will automatically be sent to your building principal and the Assistant Superintendent for processing. Please provide as much detail as possible when submitting your request.

Thank you for your assistance in keeping our students safe online!

Status Key

Approved: Contract is signed and resource is in use.
Approved w/ Guardian Release
: Guardians signed a contract to allow a resource to be used in a specific classroom with a specific group of students.
Not Approved: Vendor was unable to sign the contract and, therefore, teachers are not allowed to use the resource with students.
Renewal Pending: District has an active agreement that will expire soon and they are in the process to renew with the vendor.
Did Not Pursue: District determined that the resource does not align with educational goals, therefore, teachers are not allowed to use the resource with students.
  Resource Name Company Name Agreement Status Agreement Type Agreement Dates Grade Level Content Area Data
ABC Alphabet Phonics's Logo ABC Alphabet Phonics
Privacy Policy
Innovative Investments Limited Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
ABCya's Logo ABCya IXL Learning, Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: This free tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials due to inappropriate advertisements showing on this website.
Achieve3000 Actively Learn's Logo Achieve3000 Actively Learn McGraw Hill Education Approved
With the Following Restrictions: September 2024 - Approved for use by MAMS students, and for PK-12 students who are enrolled in a Merrymeeting Adult Education course.
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/08/2024
Expires: 08/08/2027
Data List
ADAM (Assessment Delivery and Management)'s Logo ADAM (Assessment Delivery and Management)
Purpose: State Testing portal

Privacy Policy
MZD (A Pearson Company) Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/31/2023
Expires: 03/31/2026
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 English Language Arts, Math, Science, Other
Adobe Creative Cloud's Logo Adobe Creative Cloud
Privacy Policy
Adobe Inc. Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: September 2024 - Guardians must sign an agreement to allow this resource to be used. Student use is not permitted without guardian consent.
Legal Drafted Guardian Release
Adobe Spark's Logo Adobe Spark
Privacy Policy
Adobe Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Alcumus's Logo Alcumus Art of Problem Solving Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
All HMH's Logo NewAll HMH
Purpose: NWEA Products
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/18/2026
Expires: 08/18/2026
Data List
Amazon Kindle Amazon Web Services, Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: The use of a personal Kindle subscription in schools is a violation of US copyright law. Please contact the Library Media Specialist at your school to requests assistance in accessing materials for students to use.
AnalyticVue AnalyticVue Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/16/2022
Expires: 06/16/2025
Arduino Create's Logo Arduino Create
Privacy Policy
Arduino Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/20/2022
Expires: 05/20/2025
Data List
Audible Audiobooks's Logo Audible Audiobooks Amazon Web Services, Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: The use of a personal Audible subscription in schools is a violation of US copyright law. Please contact the Library Media Specialist at your school to requests assistance in accessing materials for students to use.
Baamboozle's Logo Baamboozle
Privacy Policy Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Blooket's Logo Blooket
Privacy Policy
Blooket LLC. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/18/2023
Expires: 08/18/2026
Book Creator's Logo Book Creator
Privacy Policy
Tools for Schools Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/06/2024
Expires: 02/06/2027
Data List
Book Creator's Logo Book Creator
Privacy Policy
Tools for Schools Renewal Pending
Data List
Boom Learning and Boom Cards's Logo Boom Learning and Boom Cards
Purpose: Fun, interactive, educator-created flashcard activities for children to use.

Privacy Policy
Boom Learning Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
BrainPOP's Logo BrainPOP
Privacy Policy
BrainPOP LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/16/2024
Expires: 10/16/2027
Data List
Canva for Education's Logo Canva for Education
Privacy Policy
Canva PTY LTD. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/10/2023 Data List
ChatGPT's Logo ChatGPT
Privacy Policy
OpenAI, L.L.C. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
CK-12's Logo CK-12
Privacy Policy
CK-12 Foundation Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
ClassLink's Logo ClassLink
Privacy Policy
ClassLink Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/27/2024
Expires: 07/24/2027
Data List's Logo
Privacy Policy Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: cannot delete an individual student's data. The teacher must create a new section, move the student(s) into the new section and request to delete the entire section.
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/06/2023
Expires: 07/06/2026
CodeHS's Logo CodeHS
Purpose: Make CodeHS available to our comp sci classes

Privacy Policy
CodeHS, Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved Declined
Common Sense Media's Logo Common Sense Media
Privacy Policy
Common Sense Media Did Not Pursue Not Approved Declined
CommonLit's Logo CommonLit
Privacy Policy
CommonLit Did Not Pursue Not Approved Declined
Conker Conker Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Cricut Cricut Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
CS First Google for Education Google Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Dance Mat Typing's Logo Dance Mat Typing
Privacy Policy
Dance Mat Typing Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Desmos's Logo Desmos
Privacy Policy
Desmos, Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2024 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Data List
Destiny Library Manager's Logo Destiny Library Manager
Privacy Policy
Follett School Solutions, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/01/2024
Expires: 04/01/2027
Data List
Diigo's Logo Diigo
Purpose: Diigo is a social bookmarking website that allows signed-up users to bookmark and tag Web pages. Additionally, it allows users to highlight any part of a webpage and attach sticky notes to specific highlights or to a whole page.
Diigo, Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Data List
Draftback's Logo Draftback James Somers Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Duolingo's Logo Duolingo
Privacy Policy
Duolingo Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Declined's Logo
Privacy Policy, Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
eMATHinstruction's Logo eMATHinstruction
Privacy Policy
Emath Instruction Inc. Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: For MSAD 75 Special Services staff use only
In Use/No Agreement
enVisionmath 2.0's Logo enVisionmath 2.0
Privacy Policy
Savvas Learning Company LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 04/01/2022
Expires: 04/01/2025
Data List
Epic!'s Logo Epic!
Privacy Policy
Epic Creations, Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved Declined
EquatIO's Logo EquatIO
Privacy Policy
Texthelp Ltd. Did Not Pursue Not Approved Declined
EventBrite EventBrite Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
EverFi's Logo EverFi
Privacy Policy
EverFi, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/22/2024
Expires: 11/22/2027
Data List
Everyday Speech's Logo Everyday Speech
Purpose: To create a data agreement with Everyday Speech so it can be approved for use in CPS.

Privacy Policy
Everyday Speech LLC Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: For MSAD 75 Special Services use only.
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/29/2022
Expires: 11/29/2025
Explain Everything's Logo Explain Everything
Privacy Policy
Promethean, Inc Renewal Pending
Flip's Logo Flip
Privacy Policy
Flipgrid, Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Formative's Logo Formative
Privacy Policy
Newsela Did Not Pursue Not Approved Declined
Freckle Math's Logo Freckle Math Renaissance Learning, Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Garbanzo's Logo Garbanzo
Privacy Policy
Garbanzo Approved
With the Following Restrictions: SY 24-25: For use with world language students at MAMS.
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/25/2024
Expires: 06/25/2027
Gimkit's Logo Gimkit
Purpose: Study / Flashcards

Privacy Policy
Gimkit Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Girls Who Code Clubs's Logo Girls Who Code Clubs
Privacy Policy
Girls Who Code Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: Only Girls Who Code CLUBS is approved for use.
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/28/2024
Expires: 05/28/2027
Gizmos's Logo Gizmos
Privacy Policy
ExploreLearning, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/29/2024
Expires: 03/29/2027
Data List
GoNoodle's Logo GoNoodle
Privacy Policy
GoNoodle, Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Google Workspace for Education Core Services's Logo Google Workspace for Education Core Services Google Approved Agreement
Grammarly for Education
Privacy Policy
Grammarly Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: November 2024 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Happy Numbers's Logo Happy Numbers
Privacy Policy
Happy Number Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
IncidentIQ's Logo IncidentIQ
Privacy Policy
IncidentIQ Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/03/2023
Expires: 05/03/2026
Infinite Campus's Logo Infinite Campus
Privacy Policy
Infinite Campus Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/06/2022
Expires: 10/06/2025
Data List
IXL Learning, Diagnostics, and Analytics's Logo IXL Learning, Diagnostics, and Analytics
Privacy Policy
IXL Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/09/2024
Expires: 07/09/2027
K5Learning K5Learning Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Kahoot!'s Logo Kahoot!
Privacy Policy
Kahoot! Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Kami's Logo Kami
Privacy Policy
Kami Limited Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Data List
Khan Academy's Logo Khan Academy
Privacy Policy
Khan Academy Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
LAMP - Words For Life's Logo LAMP - Words For Life
Privacy Policy
PRC-Saltillo Approved
With the Following Restrictions: For MSAD 75 Special Services staff use only
Exhibit E
Approved: 08/29/2022
Expires: 08/29/2025
Lego Spike's Logo Lego Spike LEGO Brand Retail, Inc. Renewal Pending
Data List's Logo
Privacy Policy Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Mailtrack's Logo Mailtrack
Privacy Policy
The Mail Track Company, S.L. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
MathFactLab's Logo MathFactLab
Privacy Policy
Oakledge Mathematics Consulting Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/02/2022
Expires: 12/02/2025
MathWise Touch Adventures LLC Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Mentimeter's Logo Mentimeter
Privacy Policy
Mentimeter Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Miro's Logo Miro
Privacy Policy
Miro Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
MobyMax's Logo MobyMax
Privacy Policy
MobyMax Education LLC Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Data List
Mote's Logo Mote
Privacy Policy
Mote Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
MyLexia's Logo MyLexia Lexia Learning Systems LLC, a Cambium Learning® Group company Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/07/2022
Expires: 11/07/2025
Data List
MySchoolBucks's Logo MySchoolBucks
Privacy Policy
Heartland Payment Systems, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/04/2024
Expires: 11/04/2027
Data List
NaNoWriMo Young Writer's Project's Logo NaNoWriMo Young Writer's Project
Purpose: National Novel Writing Month happens every November! It's a fun, seat-of-your-pants writing event where the challenge is to complete an entire novel in just 30 days. For one month, you get to lock away your inner editor, let your imagination take over, and just create!

Privacy Policy
National Novel Writing Month Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Naviance's Logo Naviance
Privacy Policy
PowerSchool Group LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/19/2024
Expires: 10/19/2027
Data List
Newsela's Logo Newsela
Privacy Policy
Newsela Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Nitro Type's Logo Nitro Type
Privacy Policy Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Nitro Type allows students to engage in gaming activities with strangers outside of the school's domain. The product also utilizes student profile information to deliver targeted advertisements.
NoodleTools's Logo NoodleTools
Purpose: Research and citation tool

Privacy Policy
NoodleTools Renewal Pending
Data List
NoRedInk's Logo NoRedInk
Privacy Policy
NoRedInk Corp. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Noteflight's Logo Noteflight
Privacy Policy
Noteflight, LLC Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Data List
Office 365's Logo Office 365
Privacy Policy
Microsoft Corporation Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/08/2022
Expires: 06/08/2025
OverDrive and Sora's Logo OverDrive and Sora
Purpose: E-book and digital audiobook platform for libraries

Privacy Policy
OverDrive, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/26/2024
Expires: 09/26/2027
Data List
Padlet's Logo Padlet
Privacy Policy
WallWisher, Inc. dba Padlet Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: November 2023: Padlet permits students to share personally identifiable information (PII) beyond the school's domain. Such functionality directly contradicts the FERPA School Official Exception requirements, and violates the Data Privacy Agreement the company signed with TEC, MSAD 75's data privacy vendor. TEC has recommended no further use of this resource.
Papercut's Logo Papercut
Privacy Policy
PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/23/2024
Expires: 09/23/2027
Data List
Papercut Mobility Print's Logo Papercut Mobility Print PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/23/2024
Expires: 09/23/2027
Data List
ParentSquare's Logo ParentSquare
Purpose: Annual Subscription

Privacy Policy
ParentSquare Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/22/2023
Expires: 05/22/2026
Pathful's Logo Pathful
Privacy Policy
Strivven Media, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/12/2023
Expires: 05/12/2026
Pear Deck's Logo Pear Deck
Purpose: education

Privacy Policy
Liminex, Inc. dba GoGuardian Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/23/2020
Expires: 10/23/2023
Data List
Pear Deck's Logo Pear Deck
Purpose: education

Privacy Policy
Liminex, Inc. dba GoGuardian Renewal Pending
Data List
Plickers's Logo Plickers Plickers Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
PocketLab's Logo PocketLab Pocketlab Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 02/15/2024
Expires: 02/15/2027
Prodigy's Logo Prodigy
Privacy Policy
Prodigy Education Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Quizizz's Logo Quizizz
Privacy Policy
Quizizz Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: October 2023 - This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Quizlet's Logo Quizlet
Privacy Policy
Quizlet Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
ReadWorks's Logo ReadWorks
Privacy Policy
ReadWorks, Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Reflex Math's Logo Reflex Math ExploreLearning, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 03/29/2024
Expires: 03/29/2027
6, 7, 8 Data List
Remind 's Logo Remind
Privacy Policy
Remind Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
replit's Logo replit
Privacy Policy
Neoreason Inc Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Privacy Policy
Peaksay Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Savvas Easybridge's Logo Savvas Easybridge
Purpose: Rostering Tool

Privacy Policy
Savvas Learning Company LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/29/2024
Expires: 07/29/2027
Data List
SchoolTube's Logo SchoolTube SchoolTube Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Scratch's Logo Scratch
Privacy Policy
Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Screencastify's Logo Screencastify
Privacy Policy
Screencastify, LLC Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Data List
Screenpal (Formerly Screencast-o-matic)'s Logo Screenpal (Formerly Screencast-o-matic) Big Nerd Software LLC d/b/a ScreenPal Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Seek's Logo Seek California Academy of Sciences Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Seesaw's Logo Seesaw
Privacy Policy
Seesaw Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 11/09/2022
Expires: 11/09/2025
Data List
Sign Up Genius SignUpGenius, Inc. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
SmartPass 's Logo SmartPass SmartPass Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/11/2024
Expires: 10/11/2027
Socrative's Logo Socrative
Privacy Policy
Showbie Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
SolveMe's Logo SolveMe Education Development Center Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Sphero Edu's Logo Sphero Edu
Privacy Policy
Sphero, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 09/13/2022
Expires: 09/13/2025
SplashLearn's Logo SplashLearn
Purpose: To be used as a Math supplement in the classroom and at home

Privacy Policy
StudyPad, Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Statecraft Digital World Construction, LLC Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/20/2023
Expires: 09/22/2025
STEMscopes's Logo NewSTEMscopes
Privacy Policy
Accelerate Learning, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 01/30/2025
Expires: 01/30/2028
Data List
Stock Market Game's Logo Stock Market Game
Purpose: To be used by 7th or 8th graders as part of the economics unit in social studies.

Privacy Policy
SIFMA Foundation Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Storyboard That's Logo Storyboard That
Privacy Policy
Clever Prototypes, LLC Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Student Transportation Software (formerly Traversa)'s Logo Student Transportation Software (formerly Traversa) Tyler Technologies, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 05/22/2023
Expires: 05/22/2026
Sumdog's Logo Sumdog
Privacy Policy
Sumdog ltd Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Swank Digital Streaming k-12's Logo Swank Digital Streaming k-12
Purpose: Deliver curated, commercially-produced video content from major studios
Swank Motion Pictures, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 06/12/2023
Expires: 06/12/2026
Data List
Tinkercad's Logo Tinkercad
Privacy Policy
Autodesk, Inc. Renewal Pending Declined
Tinkercad Classroom's Logo Tinkercad Classroom Autodesk, Inc. Approved
With the Following DPA Restrictions: Tinkercad Classroom must be used in its "Safe Mode" to comply with the DPA.
Exhibit E
Approved: 07/14/2024
Expires: 07/14/2027
TreeRing's Logo TreeRing
Privacy Policy
TreeRing Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Data List
TUVA LAbs TUVA Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Declined's Logo
Privacy Policy Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: Only the paid PLUS Edition is approved. The free version does not comply with the DPA. Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Virtual Stock Market
Privacy Policy
Stock-Trak Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Wakelet's Logo Wakelet
Privacy Policy
Wakelet Limited Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Wayside Publishing's Logo Wayside Publishing
Purpose: World Language

Privacy Policy
Wayside Publishing Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/03/2023
Expires: 10/31/2026
WeVideo's Logo WeVideo
Privacy Policy
WeVideo, Inc. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Wordpress's Logo Wordpress Wordpress Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
Writing Wizard's Logo Writing Wizard
Privacy Policy
L'Escapadou Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: No data agreement available
XtraMath Basic (free)'s Logo XtraMath Basic (free)
Privacy Policy
XtraMath Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
ZipGrade's Logo ZipGrade
Privacy Policy
ZipGrade LLC. Did Not Pursue Not Approved
Declined Reasoning: SY 24-25: This tool was not selected as part of the MSAD 75 suite of teaching tools or digital curriculum materials. If you are an MSAD 75 staff member interested in requesting a re-evaluation for classroom use, please create a new software request ticket in IIQ.
Zoom's Logo Zoom
Privacy Policy
Zoom Video Communications, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 10/07/2023
Expires: 10/07/2026