Online Resources

The Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC) is a national organization with state affiliates that work together to address growing student data privacy concerns. The Maine affiliate, Maine Student Privacy Alliance (MSPA), and provides free membership to all K12 Maine school districts.

About the NDPA

The National Data Privacy Agreement (NDPA) was developed by the Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC) in partnership with the 28 state alliances. After two years of extensive review and comments from schools, districts, state organizations, marketplace providers, and their legal representatives, SDPC published the NDPA in September 2020.

Since then, the Learning Technology Center has encouraged districts to adopt the NDPA with the MaineExhibit to help streamline the educational application contracting process and meet MRS Title 20-A, Chapter 13. THE STUDENT INFORMATION PRIVACY ACT compliance.

Status Key

Approved: Contract is signed and resource is in use.
Approved w/ Guardian Release
: Guardians signed a contract to allow a resource to be used in a specific classroom with a specific group of students.
Not Approved: Vendor was unable to sign the contract and, therefore, teachers are not allowed to use the resource with students.
Renewal Pending: District has an active agreement that will expire soon and they are in the process to renew with the vendor.
Did Not Pursue: District determined that the resource does not align with educational goals, therefore, teachers are not allowed to use the resource with students.
  Resource Name Company Name Agreement Status Agreement Type Agreement Dates Grade Level Content Area Data
Biometric ID Management's Logo Biometric ID Management
Purpose: identiMetrics is the easiest way to identify students and staff in any K12 situation when accuracy, accountability and security are critical. identiMetrics is 100% accurate, safe and secure and works with your seasoned staff down to the wee, little ones.

Privacy Policy
identiMetrics, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/06/2024 JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other Data List
PowerSchool Tardy Attendance Plugin's Logo PowerSchool Tardy Attendance Plugin
Privacy Policy
identiMetrics, Inc. Approved Agreement
Exhibit E
Approved: 12/06/2024 JK, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Other Data List